First Snapshot of my LLX Code Editor

First Snapshot of my LLX Code Editor


– show line numbers

– autocomplete based on variable type (partially)


– communication with ligthning (saving, loading scripts)


– syntax highlighting

– settings

This is basically a preview of what I’m working at ATM.

It is nothing fancy nor yet very useful, I just wanted to share for early suggetions and stuff.

Line numbering is partially code from Ted, for license and other see here:


23 Commentsto First Snapshot of my LLX Code Editor

  1. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    Is it made with eclipse or with something different?

    (Btw, it doesn’t show the keyboard…I can’t do anything :/ )


  2. Anonymous says:

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    Completely coded in Android Studio.

    Relating the keyboard: tried only in emulator, which works with pc keyboard, whops! I’ll check that instantly


  3. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    Is there loop numbering ?

    And debug possibility ?

    And log recording ?


  4. Anonymous says:

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    1.what is that?

    2. No compiler, sorry.

    3. There are no log outputs this app could catch?


  5. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    1.When using loops

    Ex : for or if

    3.recording of instructions and variables during creation in order to see if something wrong


  6. Anonymous says:

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    1. I still don’t understand: how you want to have a loop numbered?

    3. Maybe someday, I first focus on more Basic things. This requires some kind of basic compiler, and that is some hard stuff…


  7. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[


    001 if ggggg = 3

    002.. If fff =2

    002 set x= 10

    002 endif

    002 for i=1 to 4

    001 endif

    Ending by 001 so no loop error

    But perhaps is it with compiler


  8. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    Basically it shows line numbers as also used by LLx, and as you can also view in quoda and similar apps.


  9. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    Aye doesn’t show keyboard for me either.


  10. Anonymous says:

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    [link updated: fixed keyboard not showing up]


  11. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    My Suggestions.

    1.Change ActionBar Color and Tint The Statusbar

    2.Hide The Green Line on the EditText

    3.Syntax Highlighting

    Just for kicks i had a quick go at making own basic script editor in AIDE i added the drawer changed the Actionbar color and tinted the statusbar set the edittext to the main content view when the drawers hidden, set up a ListView in the drawer with links to the community and wiki and stuff then I added another drawer on the other side and I wanted to put a webview inside of it so I could view the scripting API on the fly, it was all good and looked pretty nice but i got annoyed while trying to add some switches below the listview they just kept dissapearing so i gave up. (For now).


  12. Anonymous says:

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    Jay M​ i’m not a good designer… If you send me some XML files I’ll look at what I can reuse… Just if you want to 

    2. I don’t have a green line there, but I assume you mean the one below it… That’s Android default sign for a text field, I think it should be kept.


  13. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    Yeah its green in lolipop probably blue in holo.

    Here’s the full project.


  14. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    If you add more than 9 lines or the 9th line wraps.. It crashes..


  15. Anonymous says:

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    I don’t recall if lightning has read/write to file from scripting.. But could you write something that backs up all LLX scripts once a day automatically? To individual files (maybe “/SD/LLX”/[scriptName].lljs) and overriding previous each time


  16. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    (I broke my phone a while back and lost a few weeks of script)


  17. Anonymous says:

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    That’s great stuff but in the same time I am worried about duplicated efforts. I know that I am lagging and even urgent improvements take ages to appear in LLX, but I feel that there is a more efficient way to work anyway.

    What I observe here, is that in a single post and a few comments there are already 5 or 6 excellent things spread over 3 code editor, plus great suggestions around. The builtin one, the one from Lukas Morawietz  and the one from Jay M .

    So my proposal is to open source the current LLX script editor and make it an optional but privileged plugin. It would automatically be used when it is installed and would be a less light but more powerful standalone app. A (good) script editor is more work than it seems, and I think it would be more efficient to work together on the same project instead of building separate apps.

    The goal wouldn’t be to create yet another text editor, but to gather efforts on a script editor specifically tailored for Javascript and with a few hooks related to Lightning (keywords, scripts attributes, any other thing?). This app could have internet access to display online help and could benefit from other more heavyweight  libraries, such as syntax highlightning, refactoring and so on.

    I am not sure I can maintain such a project myself, but I would be happy to participate in any way ranging from architectural design to test or bug fixing, and by providing the source code of the existing editor I think it may help a bit, even if this only serves as a hint to discover methods such as setDropDownAnchor 😉


  18. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    Tbh i was just curious i didn’t wanna rush you or anything, my project was just made for fun. It was never gunna be a fully working code editor, i wanted to see how far I could get with it. I dunno if you downloaded it but the second drawer with the webview was a bad idea because it makes it impossible to scroll the page, I should of saw that coming but i really didn’t think that one through lol. shame because it was a pretty cool idea.

    This sounds like a great idea and sharing the code for the existing editor would definitely help me learn some new stuff I dont think I could help much in developing it though unfortunately.


  19. Anonymous says:

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    The real thing is code completion and syntax checking. These are both solved problems. But I was unable to find something android compatible, so I started to write my own little code completion. But I can already see the limits and problems of my system.

    So if we want to start an open source project, I think we should do it in the correct way.

    My code took me about two days, I don’t really care if it gets dropped.

    First thing to do IMO is

    a) find an android compatible javascript autocompletion library & compiler or

    b) port one.


  20. Anonymous says:

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    I know eclipse is coded in java, maybe that’s a point where we could start to look for a good system to port.


  21. Anonymous says:

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    Sounds complicated.


  22. Anonymous says:

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    Complicated, huge, bloated, overkill, and possibly not fitting on your Android phone.


  23. Anonymous says:

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    Tim van der Leeuw

    I don’t want to port whole eclipse, lol! Anyway I’m not gonna put a lot of effort into this until summer. I have to get through school first.


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