I noticed one thing which I see as a bug – I have homescreen (desktop) with some widgets and also with some icons at…

I noticed one thing which I see as a bug – I have homescreen (desktop) with some widgets and also with some icons at fixed places (not moving when scrolling). And of course quite a few other icons.

Since I deleted some icons (and was lazy to move things manually to tidy things up), I used “Items” -> “Compact”, thinking it will move the icons together, filling empty spaces. It was a bad idea – it just screwed the things – putting icons over widgets and icons with fixed positions (it seems that “Compact” ignores these elements and behaves as if they are not there). I think it should behave intelligently – if somebody wants compacting things it is probably not about wanting them to overlay widgets etc…

Well, minor problem in otherwise excellent launcher (but since I guess it is a real bug I report it).

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