Possible bug report?

Possible bug report?? I installed LL on my ZTE N817 and everything seemed fine… until I started deleting desktops. LL crashes immediately at this point. What scares me is that it crashes the exact same way as the bloatware music player app on my rooted EM95X TV box.

It leaves me wondering if it’s an error with the app, the system, the play services, or Android. At least with the EM95X I can narrow down the cause of the error, I just can’t fix it because I didn’t backup before making the mistake. With my N817, there’s no chance to make that mistake because I’m NOT rooted.

I’m actually scared because of this, so I don’t know if this is just a bug or if something is really wrong. 🙁


2 Commentsto Possible bug report?

  1. Anonymous says:

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    At first I would say this is a bug in the app. Deleting a desktop is only related with the app data, it doesn’t involve anything other than files. So unless your filesystem or flash is broken (which are both possible but very unlikely) the issue is in the app.

    That said, deleting a desktop is a fairly simple task, so I don’t know exactly what could go wrong. A logcat would indeed help a lot, or if you can send the bug report when it crashes with a message so that I know it is yours, it would help too.


  2. Anonymous says:

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    Pierre Hébert Aniket Bhattacharyea As for the logcat, the N817 is not rooted so it may not be an option, but if an error report works, I can just do that.


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