Hey hey, lightners!
Hey hey, lightners!
Did someone ever succeed to make a weather widget by LL script only? I found one in repository, but can’t really get if it does what I suppose it to do.
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It’s from Jappie Toutenhoofd
I think gerd reuter has something too
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no. i don’t 😀
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gerd reuter sorry , probably a confusion
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What do you want it to do?
It’s my main weather source i use on my phone.
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In the script repository scroll all the way down and click ‘Full Templates’
Then use ‘Script Only’ then you have a fully working example.
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Jappie Toutenhoofd , thanks I’ll check this out.
I want current weather and a week forward with some minimalistic icons
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Jappie Toutenhoofd oh, finally I found yiur work, very nice!..That’s a pity I didn’t get how to use it, maybe it works only with older version with an option for importing zip archives?
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If you are going to use it on daily basis, please get your own Api-key at openweather and replace it in the script.