Script maker tool

Script maker tool

I was planning to add a video…but I decided to not do it (you have a preview some post ago)

This tool is a script that makes scripts. You don’t need to know programming, and also this will provide you personal examples if you want to learn. The sub-scripts are Lightning shortcuts that can be done from scripting. (Please: note that long scripts can be less efficient)

The instructions are very simple:

– Copy this script and check the ‘appear in’ ‘item menu’ and ‘lightning menu’

– Run this script from where you want. If you do it from a shortcut or folder, launch/open. sub-scripts will also be available.

– Write the letters you want. One after another, for example ‘h1b’

– Copy the output script and run it whenever you want. It will do what you choosed.

Available sub-scripts are:

1,2,3…- X seconds pause

b- Desktop Bookmark: Go to this container position

z- Zoom 100p

l- Full scale

t- Toogle zoom full scale/100p

h- Go to home desktop

n- Next desktop

p- Previous Desktop

u- Unlock screen

c- Close Top-most folder

a- Close all folders

f- Open this folder (if available)

s- Launch this shortcut (if available)

Feel free to comment and suggest others sub-scripts.

(If google+ syntax broke it let me know.)



var e = LL.getEvent();

var c = e.getContainer();

var it = e.getItem();


var folshor = 0;


if(it!=null)if(it.getType()==”Folder”){folshor=1;}else if(it.getType()==”Shortcut”)folshor=2;

var input = LL.getScriptTag() || “”;

var info = “Write the secuence in order, for example ‘u1hz’ :\n\

1,2,3…- X seconds pause\n\

b- Desktop Bookmark: Go to this container position\n\

z- Zoom 100p\n\

l- Full scale\n\

t- Toogle zoom full scale/100p\n\

h- Go to home desktop\n\

n- Next desktop\n\

p- Previous Desktop\n\

u- Unlock screen\n\

c- Close Top-most folder\n\

a- Close all folders\n”;


if(folshor==1)info+=”f- Open this folder\n”;

if(folshor==2)info+=”s- Launch this shortcut\n”;

var list = prompt(info,input);

if (list==null)return;



var scriptbeg=””;

var scriptend=”\n\/\/Made with TrianguloY’s script maker tool”;

var indent=””;

for(var i=0;i

var code = list[i];

if(code==” “||code==”\n”)continue;


if(code>=’1′ && code<='9'){

var n=parseInt(code);

scriptbeg+=”setTimeout(function(){\/\/ Launch after…”;

scriptend=indent+”},”+n+”000);\/\/…”+n+” second”+(n==1?””:”s”)+”\n”+scriptend;

indent+=” “;



//case ‘0’:

case ‘b’: scriptbeg+=”LL.getContainerById(“+c.getId()+”).setPosition(“+c.getPositionX()+”,”+c.getPositionY()+”,”+c.getPositionScale()+”,true);\/\/Desktop Bookmark”;


case ‘z’: scriptbeg+=”c.setPosition(0,0,1,true);\/\/Zoom 100p”;


case ‘l’: scriptbeg+=fullScaleText(false);


case ‘t’: scriptbeg+=fullScaleText(true);


case ‘h’: scriptbeg+=”LL.goToDesktop(LL.getHomeDesktop().getId());\/\/Go to home desktop”;


case ‘n’: scriptbeg+=npdesktop(“+”);


case ‘p’: scriptbeg+=npdesktop(“-“);


case ‘u’: scriptbeg+=”LL.unlock();\/\/Unlock”;


case ‘f’: if(folshor==1)scriptbeg+=”LL.getItemById(“+it.getId()+”).open();\/\/Open folder”;


case ‘s’: if(folshor==2)scriptbeg+=”LL.getItemById(“+it.getId()+”).launch();\/\/Launch item”;


case ‘c’: scriptbeg+=”var f=LL.getOpenFolders().getAt(0); if(f)f.close();\/\/Close topmost folder”;


case ‘a’: scriptbeg+=”var fl=LL.getOpenFolders(),fll=fl.getLength(); if(fll>0)for(var i=0;i


default:scriptbeg+=”\/\/Order not found “+code;




prompt(“Here is your script :3 Just copy/paste and run”,scriptbeg+scriptend);


The getCurrentDesktop() is in every subscript because it can change


//Vars, functions

function npdesktop(sig){

var str = “var c = LL.getCurrentDesktop(),l=LL.getAllDesktops(),i;”;

str+=”\/\/Go to ” + (sig==”+”?”next”:”previous”)+” desktop\n”;

str+=indent+” for(i=0;i


str+=indent+” if(i==l.getLength()-1)i=-1;\n”;


str+=indent+” if(i==0)i=l.getLength()-2;\n”;


str+=indent+” LL.goToDesktop(l.getAt(i”+sig+”1));”;

return str;


function fullScaleText(tog){

var str = “var c = LL.getEvent().getContainer()||LL.getCurrentDesktop();”;

str+=”\/\/”+(tog?”Toogle zoom full scale/100p”:”Zoom full scale”)+”\n”;


var ind=tog?” “:” “;

str+=indent+ind+”var box = c.getBoundingBox();\n”

str+=indent+ind+”var layout = [box.getRight()-box.getLeft(),box.getBottom()-box.getTop()];\n”

str+=indent+ind+”var scale = Math.min(c.getWidth()/layout[0],c.getHeight()/layout[1]);\n”

str+=indent+ind+”var pos = [ box.getLeft()- (c.getWidth()/scale-layout[0])/2 , box.getTop()-(c.getHeight()/scale-layout[1])/2 ];\n”;


if(tog)str+=”\n”+indent+”}else c.setPosition(0,0,1,true);”;

return str;



11 Commentsto Script maker tool

  1. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    TrianguloY I tried the G+ ‘copy text’, but copying stopped at line: var input = LL.getScrip…

    Is there another way or tool to copy your whole script? Thanks in advance for your answer.


  2. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    Larry Kar hmm, I tried it and it works for me. I’m using the mobile app.

    Anyway here you have


  3. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    TrianguloY Got it, thanks! But I’ve the same problem with any post: copy cut before the end using mobile app too. Didn’t find why at the moment 🙁


  4. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    Best Script Ive tried out of five or six so far over the last few days… very cool work +TrianguloY – many thanks!


  5. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    Is it possible to update this script to add an option to toggle the notification bar? I have the notification bar hidden & I’m trying to create a shortcut to briefly show it then hide it again.


  6. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    With script it is not possible.

    However you can make it placing a shortcut to the LL toggle notification bar, launch the script maker from that shortcut and use launch-wait-launch


  7. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    TrianguloY that’s what I did & it works fine. I was just hoping there was a way to do it with a swipe gesture. Thanks for the script anyway. I took a Web design class but for some reason I never got Javascript.


  8. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    Once you have the script you can execute it from where you want, for example from a swipe (even from a different desktop, but preferably not). Just don’t delete the shortcut, you can hide it.


  9. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    I didn’t realize it would work that way but it does. Thanks.


  10. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    Getting unterminated string at line 26?


  11. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    Be sure to copy the script with all correct line breaks and characters.

    If you are from a computer instead of copy it manually use the ‘copy text’ feature, the same as from the app.

    (Specially the ones in and before line 26)


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