I’ve got to know. Has anyone made googly eyes that look at where you tap on the screen?
I’ve got to know. Has anyone made googly eyes that look at where you tap on the screen?
If not I think such a project should be a very high priority, Pierre Hébert.
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ok its official…. someone had to have laced this dudes coffee this morning lmao :-p
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In fact it is relatively easy, but only touches, not dragging.
Lukas Morawietz I’m unable to make it, but in case you (or anybody) want to try just follow this:
Touch=Take the position of the finger (if it was launched from an item take the middle of the item)
Distance= the vector2 from the eyes to the touch
Distance= normalize distance with a tiny value
Place the pupils(different item) ‘Distance’ pixels from the center of the eyes.
Launch the item if you clicked on one
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I think it’s not that easy to compute the distance in a way the eye border never cuts but tangents the pupils…
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If the items are perfect circles it is really easy.
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This would be pretty sweet!
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Maybe I’ll try this weekend, if no one is faster 😉
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Or have a look at the xeyes code 😉
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Tried now. Didn’t work. I don’t know how to do it. Sorry. Maybe TrianguloY will do it…
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Unfortunately my free time has been reduced at minimum, but I’ll try. (Don’t expect it soon)