It’s possible to create taskers through scripts without using Tasker(the app)?
It’s possible to create taskers through scripts without using Tasker(the app)?
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You can’t create tasks, but you can execute actions.
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Lukas Morawietz I knew of this possibility, but I was looking for a way to avoid using Tasker since it consumes a lot of battery… I think i’ll put this on “Feature Suggestion” section
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In theory, scripting can do everything what tasker can. But you may need xposed and the Lightning permission Manager to accomplish certain tasks.
There is no word “taskers” as far as I know, that’s why I misunderstood you.
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What exactly do you want to do? Maybe we can help you with a script…
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The only way to interact with Zooper Widget from an external app (LL in this case) is by using taskers.
I want to pass some information from LL to ZW.
I know how to do it using Tasker but i want do this without it for the reason explained before
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When I use to use Tasker it didn’t even show up in battery usage, so if its using a lot of battery its probably because of one or more of your profiles/tasks.
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Jay M of course, is an app that runs in background, you have to go in developer options> geek statistics
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It might require a bit more work, but Lighting has the capability to replace zooper (with custom views). Maybe thats a way to go for you.
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Mmh you’re right, i’ll give it a try 🙂
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You can pass variable directly to Zooper. I posted a script with a short video a while back. Can’t link to the post but here is the text:
So here is my work in progress for passing variables directly to Zooper.
I use the folder Resume event to run the script.
I’m passing the folder name to a text variable LFOLDER and using a text element with the variable #TLFOLDER#
I’m also passing “on” to variable named the same as the folder. In Zooper it using an iconset I created ( one for each folder) & reading the variable uses either the white or green icon.
I have another script send a”” to the text variable and “off” to the folder variable.
var fldr = LL.getEvent().getContainer().getOpener().getLabel();
var intent = new Intent(“”);
var bundle = new Bundle();
bundle.putString(“”, “LFOLDER”);
bundle.putString(“”, fldr);
intent.putExtra(“”, bundle);
var intent = new Intent(“”);
var bundle = new Bundle();
bundle.putString(“”, fldr);
bundle.putString(“”, “on”);
intent.putExtra(“”, bundle);
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LL has moved on a lot since I posted this and I agree with Lukas Morawietz that you could probably achieve what you want without Zooper or Tasker.
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Tony Merrell-Jones My main goal is to limit the usage of third-part apps in my homescreen, in this way I have the utmost portability in case I decide to publish it.
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Simone Boccuzzi this is, I think, a good idea.
While this is possible using scripting and calls to the android framework, this is still a lot of work.
One unfinished thing is the management of permissions required by various features of the framework. It is currently possible to add more permissions to the launcher but I don’t have the time to tidy up the thing.
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Pierre Hébert in fact I plan to use only something like Color and Dialog classes.
I don’t want to emulate Tasker features, I just wanted to find an alternative to tasker variables, and I can do that using CustomViews instead of ZooperWidget.
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I am not sure to understand then. What do you mean by alternative to Tasker variables?
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I mean the variables used in the ZooperWidget plugin.
In Tasker, through the ZooperWidget plugin, you can create some variables that you can use in ZW advanced parameters (#T…#).
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What you need are bindings (current beta version only). You can use builtin variables or define new ones to animate various item properties such as label, color, position, etc. These variables can be system infos, data set by the user or data set by external apps such as Tasker.
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I’m already playing with bindings and they are so useful!! They are really easy to use and faster to do, but I can’t find box colors as property…
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All box properties will come in the next beta (already implemented, need to write documentation)
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And I don’t know if it is already in the roadmap, but will be added back the Item section in Current Desktop/Panel/App Drawer settings? It was really usefull to disable the material mask click effect for all items in the panel.
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It has never been removed. Just unselect any item to edit properties for the container.
Upcoming box property here: