Shortcut icon changer

Shortcut icon changer

This script will allow you to quickly and easily change the icon of a shortcut as suggested by me here

Its extremely simple and after picking a character there’s no more error handling so make sure you pick something for every option and don’t press cancel or the script will fail. This is Pierre’s script i just edited it to make it easier and quicker to use for those who dont want to mess about with the code every time they want to change an icon (like me) hope you find it useful 👍

How to use: Set the script to show in the item menu.
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4 Commentsto Shortcut icon changer

  1. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[


    var label = prompt(“Rename Shortcut (Leave blank for no change”,””);

    if (label.length >= 1){



    function setIcon(symbol,color1,color2)


    symbol = prompt(“Enter a single character or number”, “”);

    if (symbol.length > 1){

    Android.makeNewToast(“Enter a single character or number”, false).show();



    size = LL.pickNumericValue(“Icon Size”, 96, “int”, 96, 200, 1, “px”)

    color1 = LL.pickColor(“Foreground Color”, 0xffffffff, true);

    color2 = LL.pickColor(“Background Color”, 0xffff5722, true);

    getEvent().getItem().setCustomIcon(Image.createTextIcon(symbol, size, color1,color2,null));



  2. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    Updated you can now set a new label (optional) after configuring the icon.


  3. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    wow, this is really great. Thanks!!


  4. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    Cheers mate enjoy 👍


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