Published my Scripts which i used for carousel

Published my Scripts which i used for carousel

i am not a Javascript-Genius and there are a few limitations in LLX-JS,

but it works fine and fast 


Suggestions, Ideas etc. are welcome

2 Commentsto Published my Scripts which i used for carousel

  1. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    Cool, thanks for sharing.

    Why do you write var pn_ClrA=-13388315; // ff33b5e5 blue when you know the value and can use hexa like

    var pn_ClrA=0xff33b5e5; // blue


  2. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    Bogdan Tautu because i am still learning and didn’t knew this 😉

    thank you bogdan will do it like this next time 😉


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