Animation: Turn

Animation: Turn

See yourself.

Thanks to TrianguloY. You probably don’t know what exactly you did :D. most of it is giving me ideas, especially for pre-rotated items i’ve looked up a lot in your scripts…

This script should work with rotated items.

Theoretically it works also with scaled items, but the toggle script doesn’t include scale yet, so this is something you can expect soon.


2 Commentsto Animation: Turn

  1. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    Woo, congratulations.

    It will be funny to see this in a square screen 😉

    You made a lot of animations, and they also helped me in some cases. Thanks!

    The toggle script is not in the wiki yet, did you thought about make only one instead of two different?

    Now you can check where the script was launched with event.getSource(). So just run the normal one if it was in the C_POSITION_CHANGED , and the toggle if not.


  2. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    the toggle script is in the wiki, but not linked at the script repository, it is linked in the animations description and yes i have thougt about merging them, but didn’t do that yet, it was easier to handle (for me) this way


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