I just realized that LL miss one essential yet obvious feature that is scrolling parent container when end of child…
I just realized that LL miss one essential yet obvious feature that is scrolling parent container when end of child is achieved. Let say I have desktop with three screens and scrolable panel on middle one. When content of panel is scrolled to it’s end it stucks there, making impossible reaching screen one or two.
Or… maybe there is way to make it work with current features?
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I personally like the idea, and I think it can be built easily into the launcher with a new setting in the ‘overscroll animation’ –> ‘scroll parent’
But if not theoretically from a script is really easy to make
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Well, not so obvious from the implementation point of view 🙁 Or maybe I can hack something… Not sure… Will try.
James Coyle and I discussed recently about a possible overscroll event (or “boundary reached event”), I think it may be implemented in the same time.
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What about adding a stoppoint at panel’s end, and when this stoppoint is reached, it opens screen 1 or 2 ?