I just got an idea (to do a project I have) which use LLX desktop :
I just got an idea (to do a project I have) which use LLX desktop :
Will it be possible to have a widget (from the llx app) which has the same behavior (and possibilities) as a panel (so with a llx desktop in it)..
Stupid thing you might think because we can add a panel to a desktop…
The thing is : I want to have a llx desktop anywhere in android (not only when we are in our Homescreen), like an overlay on top of others apps…
I thought about the Overlay app, which can display a widget on top of others apps, anywhere we want on the screen… So it would be great to have a widget with llx abilities on top of any apps, triggered with tasker for example!
An example of thing to do is a little app drawer with our favorite apps, which we can access without going on the Homescreen!
I hope it’s clear enough 😉
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Using widgets to do this is not possible, because Android widgets restricts the things you can do and display.
BUT… what you are asking is more or less implemented in a development version I never released. This version is designed for Android Wear. It let you display an overlay window with a Lightning desktop from anywhere. I think it would work on a standard Android phone or tablet too.
By lack of time I didn’t released this version, and I didn’t integrate this overlay feature in the current LLX.
Maybe this is something for the next release…
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Ok! So, maybe in a future release I hope!
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Just tried to open a folder from a tasker action from an app, but it sent me to the Homescreen… Maybe with the future (or before) the overlay release, you could add a settings activity when we add a shortcut to an “open folder” llx action, with the ability to check whenever we want to be redirected to the homescreen, or if we want the folder to open on top of the actual app….
Possible ?
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Not really, because a folder can’t live outside of the main home screen activity 🙁
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Oh ok, so maybe one day, standalone panel!
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Maybe. In fact desktop, panel and folder are very similar. The difference is really how they are displayed.
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I’ve jut been wondering about the same thing. I currently use Smart Task Launcher which is one of the more reliable overlay launchers, but is limited to a grid of shortcuts “Launcher” panel, and “HotSpot” gestures. It would be great if LLX could integrate the overlay functionality and use a desktop as the launcher (in the same vein as the LLX Lock Screen implementation)
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Will see if I can push this feature in an update somewhere in the future…
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I’d be happy to beta test for you if you want.