Will it ever be possible to have rounded corners on our rectangular objects?

Will it ever be possible to have rounded corners on our rectangular objects?

7 Commentsto Will it ever be possible to have rounded corners on our rectangular objects?

  1. Jay M says:

    its been possible for ages use a 9 patch png or svg lightninglauncher.com – SvgSvg

  2. Jay M I know, but 9patches are clunky (I’ve used a few). I’d like built-in corner radius specification by pixel, where I can make a panel very easily have rounded off corners.

    I guess I can try to mess with svg’s, but I’m seriously considering moving to Evie Launcher + KLWP

  3. Jay M says:

    i dont see how there clunky but yeah built in would be nice

  4. I have this but im not sure how make rounded corners… Any tutorial? 😮


  5. Jay M says:

    all you need to do is set the background image of your items to a .9.png if you dont know what they are there just like normal pngs but they can be stretched theres some built into Andoid that you can use and IIRC Chris Chastain​ posted his collection somewhere in this community.


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