Would it be possible to maybe add a better, more ‘user friendly’ way to separately apply wallpapers to the desktop…

Would it be possible to maybe add a better, more ‘user friendly’ way to separately apply wallpapers to the desktop & a different wallpaper to the app drawer? Thank you Pierre Hébert​ for the awesome work you’ve done & the consideration on this small, but useful, feature. & Happy New Years to everyone


6 Commentsto Would it be possible to maybe add a better, more ‘user friendly’ way to separately apply wallpapers to the desktop…

  1. Anonymous says:

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    What I think would really make it, is if you could change the width and height like you can the system wallpaper. I find that feature very useful, and it seems like it could be useful on the desktop wallpaper as well. About once a month someone post asking why the wallpaper is just in the middle of their screen. haha


  2. Anonymous says:

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    Ok even that would work also thomas greer​ You are a very smart man, sir thanks for the help also


  3. Anonymous says:

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    Russell Nichols thanks man. I’m glad you brought up the issues with the desktop wallpaper. A lot of newcomers to LL stuggle with it at first, maybe we can help to make it better for everyone!


  4. Anonymous says:

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    This is true. I would like to rework this part when I get time for this. It suffers from technical limits at the moment but some of them are not valid anymore in new Android versions.


  5. Anonymous says:

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    Pierre Hébert Happy New Year! One other idea i had, a tile feature would also be useful. There’s been a few times I’ve had a tile from an app .apk and I’ve had to make a wallpaper using Photoshop.


  6. Anonymous says:

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    Pierre Hébert thank you very much for your reply. I understand fully the work that goes into this Launcher that you’ve put in & thankfully, continue to put into her. I just as 1 who luvs the option to have different, separate wallpapers, would luv to see a better, more reliable way to get this done. Havn a ball workn this Launcher, it’s unlike all others, finding neat options almost daily! Thanks & Happy New Year!


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