Time for a suggestion:

Time for a suggestion:

This could be something impossible, so please don’t get excited until pierre’s comment 😉

My idea is to share the styles as normal long length string. So you can just copy/paste it.

This will allow to share styles in a easier way, but also as a debug tool because people could send it instead of describe it in bug reports.

I don’t know how LL store it when you make a backup, but if that way make a considerable length string…it should be easy, theoretically.

Remember: this can be completely impossible so stop dreaming.


3 Commentsto Time for a suggestion:

  1. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    The exported template is in ZIP format, you can easily open and explore it. Styles are stored in “\core\themes”, multiple text files with configuration “strings”.


  2. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    I see. They are not very long, could be possible. Also maybe without the description string…I’ll wait until pierre’s post.

    Thanks Lutz Linke

    Chris sledge lol


  3. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    Styles are JSON strings, but there may be images linked with them. So to be shared they need to be packed in a zip file.

    Technically this is possible to export styles, send them by email, and re-import them by clicking on the attachment in the email. But I think this feature should go in the template mechanisms. There are several possible improvements in template loading, such as loading only the desktop configuration, not the item, or merge desktop. Loading only the styles in the template could be another option. That would need to select what to export too, but this is doable.


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