A feature suggestion of the new page indicator.

A feature suggestion of the new page indicator.

What about a checkbox so that when it is checked, the status bar alpha is set to 0 progressively when the container is not scrolling, and to 255 (or the selected number in the item) when it is? (Aka, a fade out feature) Note that it will need to be set visible in edit mode.

This is not difficult to do with scripts, but have it built in the app could be a nice addition.

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3 Commentsto A feature suggestion of the new page indicator.

  1. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    Hell yes! Was gunna ask about this myself but i saw all the suggestions from danbar and decided to wait a while before adding to that list lol.


  2. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    “status bar alpha”: do you mean “scrollbar alpha”, in the case of the line x/y styles ?

    Actually this could be applied to all page indicator styles. 


  3. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    Oops, yes. My mistake.

    I was referring to the page indicator item 😛


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