About the GlobalConfig object.

About the GlobalConfig object.

As it contains the parameters to use with runAction, I think you should keep it binded by default, instead of needing to use bindClass first.

(Btw, how do we use the HINT objects? They have the same number as other actions, seems to be flags. Also, what is loadFieldsFromJSONObject? )


2 Commentsto About the GlobalConfig object.

  1. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    Please forget everything about GlobalConfig (at least for now).

    This was an error (fixed in the udpate to come soon). Historically the actions were defined in this private class. When I added the EventHandler class, I replicated this enumeration on this new script API, this was the right way to do it. But in the meantime… I forgot about this !!! And a little later, as I needed these fields for a script, I thought I would reuse the GlobalConfig class. I didn’t recall that I created the public EventHandler class to do that 🙁

    The GlobalConfig object won’t be visible anymore in upcoming version, I removed any visible link to it already.

    But to answer your questions:

    – HINT_* are public static final fields used to save user choices “don’t show again”. They are used in a bitfield in the field “hints” (but please, don’t use it…)

    – loadFieldsFromJSONObject is a method from a specialized deserialize which loads data from a JSON file and populate fields in a Java instance through reflection (but please, don’t use it…)


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