Pierre Hébert: recently you added a feature so that clicking the name in the box editor (orange oval) shows a toast…
Pierre Hébert: recently you added a feature so that clicking the name in the box editor (orange oval) shows a toast with the full name, in case it is too long and gets cut.
Suggestion 1: what about add that feature also in the pop-up menu? (green oval)
[Independent from suggestion 1]
Suggestion 2: what about let that name to be scrolled horizontally? With or without the ‘click to toast’
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Woah I just realized if ya press and drag from that name you can resize the dialog!
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Regarding 1) I was planning something else. Tapping on the item description either in the popup menu or in the box would open a window with a hierarchical list of items, with drag&drop to adjust z-index (remember, you suggested it before;-) )
The horizontally scrolling text is a pain. It requires some fiddling with focus and that is an issue when other components need to have focus. At least with the android:scrollHorizontally attribute, IIRC.