Pierre Hébert is it possible somehow that the pop-up menu (when long pressing an item or background) doesn’t…
Pierre Hébert is it possible somehow that the pop-up menu (when long pressing an item or background) doesn’t overlap the editor bars?
If not, maybe a way to close it?
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That’s a bit sensitive, if possible I would prefer not to rework this part. In which context does it become an annoyance ? When entering edit mode and the menu is displayed over buttons you would like to reach or in other situations?
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Mainly yes.
When I want to edit the properties of an item I long tap the item, click the pencil and the menu overlap the bottom bars. To access the settings you need to…hmm, you can just click on properties.
I was used to click the button in the editor, but I see it is not an issue this way.
You can forget this 🙂
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the kind of minor annoyance Lightning is full of…