A list of suggestions for the icon picker Pierre Hébert​:

A list of suggestions for the icon picker Pierre Hébert​:

1) instead of ‘broken icon pack’ I think it is better to say ‘unsupported icon pack’ or ‘not supported icon pack’

2) when you choose a ‘broken’ icon pack big text is shown “no icon to display”. What about “no icon to display, click here to try an alternative method” and then clicking the text will show all the images in the app (change the first list to ‘applications’ and the second to the app name)

3) in the list of icon packs, a ‘default’ entry that will show the list of the defaults icons of all installed apps.

4) in the launcher images tab, instead of simply show the containers numbers show the type and the name if any. Something like “0-Desktop : My desktop” “102-Folder : Games” “103-panel” “99-app drawer”


7 Commentsto A list of suggestions for the icon picker Pierre Hébert​:

  1. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    Another big suggestion for the icon picker :

    5) The ability to filter Icons by their name (with regex).. 


  2. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    You can search for a part of the icon name.

    Not with regexp, but not sure if that will improve the search (the names are short)


  3. Anonymous says:

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    TrianguloY​ How to search??


  4. Anonymous says:

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    Clicking the right-most icon?


  5. Anonymous says:

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    Oh my g** I never saw it ^^


  6. Anonymous says:

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    Pierre Hébert​, just to make sure you didn’t missed this


  7. Anonymous says:

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    I was going to reply, don’t forget my slowness 😉

    I’ll keep these smart suggestions for a future update.

    Except the first one because ‘broken’ is really what the package is. It is not unsupported, it doesn’t follow the specification. Many icon packs just add all known icon pack intent filters to claim a wide compatibility, and expect the app (the launcher) to cope with this because it will try all formats anyway. This is just dumb and wrong. I had to decompile more than 20 icon packs and add workarounds here and there because files are not at the right place, because syntax is wrong, because of varying use of xml tags, and so on. I am sure that many more cases would have to be handled this way. This can be expected since icon designers are usually not programmers and the ADW specification itself is somewhat fuzzy.

    But to be honest I am kind of tired of icon packs, lol. At the moment, I am more inclined to implement fun stuff, even if that’s might not be the best thing to do (the result will be the same anyway).


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