Hi Pierre

Hi Pierre,

I have a request (1 point), 2 and 3 are bugs.

1) Can you create and use new variable for animation folder efect? (different for open and different for close). Now is one for both. I need different traslate (for example: Slides from right (now not exist) and Slides to right (now exist)).

2) In settings/desktop settings/wallpaper/desktop wallpaper/change the destkop wallpaper… is inaccuracy (bad text). If you clic to this option, in new window is title text: Select an icon from. You not set icon, but wallpaper/picture… – propably you must create new variable, this text is used on many other places.

3) When you on desktop and doing long tap/add… and select shortcut Lightnig Action or Lightning setting in new windows is translated text, but his title text are not translated (visible are: lightning action and lightning setting).


9 Commentsto Hi Pierre

  1. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    2 and 3 are good points.

    But about 1….you can actually set different animations for open/close, and slide from right is just slide to left.


  2. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    Regarding 1, maybe Danbar Danbar is speaking about the translated text for the option, not the option itself.

    I understand 2 and 3. 2 can be fixed, but not 3 because it bypasses language pack mechanisms. For this texts, translation need to be built into the main app, and not as language pack.


  3. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    Oh, right. Sorry. I misunderstood.


  4. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    yes i know, function is same, but difficult for translate 🙂


  5. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    Although it may not be perfect, is there a way to keep the same text ? The problem is that if I split it, all other language packs won’t have the translation for the new text…


  6. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    If you not create new variable, i must doing this: Posun z/do prava (Slide from/to right).


  7. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    Hungarian translator here. I don’t really understand the problem in 1).

    We are talking about the string with id “anim2_e” with value “None|Open / Close|Slides to right|Slides to left|Slides to bottom|Slides to top”, right?

    If you set the same for open and close animation, for example “Slides to right”, then the folder will do just that. It will slide in from the left to the right, and then it will slide out from its position to the right. 

    I don’t see any problem here. If something is sliding to the right, its sliding from the left at the same time. You are just describing it from another viewpoint.


  8. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    I’ve been trying to wrap my head around what could possibly be the issue with translating this…

    I’m thinking that maybe it’s the word “to”. I have no clue about Hungarian, but I think that “to” could imply destination.

    Maybe more accurate to just say:

    Slide right

    Slide left

    Slide down

    Slide up

    Would that solve the translation issue?


  9. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    Chris Chastain In hungarian “to” can be simply translated as an indication of destination direction. I translated “Slides to right/left/down/up” as “CsĂşsztatás jobbra/balra/fel/le”. Meaning is 1:1 what the english one means, no problem here.

    I have an idea though what can cause the confusion. There is the open/close animation which is really a magnification animation. When you select it for the Open action, then it will be a “zoom in”,   when for close, it will be a “zoom out”, the inverse, opposite animation. But in the case of the other options they each mean the same thing for open and close, no inversion there.

    I’m not sure, but it can be that Danbar Danbar thinks that it’s the opposite for the other options too.


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