After absolutly first install, or deleted data from system for LL.

After absolutly first install, or deleted data from system for LL.

Are welcome screen. I have idea for upgrade. Show old welcome screen, and button next. After tap to next button show new screen.

on new screen show:

title: Contact

text: Select an app to proceed

some app from device for contact (names and icons)

and button Skip

After selected app show button Go next and button Skip.

On new screen show:


Select an app to proceed

some app from device for browser (for example: Doplhin, Chrome, stock browser, FF, Opera)

And button Skip

After selected app show button Go next and button Skip.

same method for: Galerie, Camera, etc, etc, etc.

Last screen:

Thank you

Enjoy your new Launcher and button Ok

Selected app from guide put to first desktop. Some to dockbar (in panel) some to desktop (pinned), some to desktop (unpinned) in more than one screen in one desktop.

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8 Commentsto After absolutly first install, or deleted data from system for LL.

  1. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    Danbar Danbar this is a good idea IMHO. I would add a ‘skip’ button for those of us who are impatient with helpfulness from electronic things 🙂 also some way to come back later and run the setup.


  2. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    I am working on this first run wizard! That would be helpful for newcomers!


  3. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    I think it would be good for new users to set up a desktop with as many things from LL by wizard. Few screens in one desktop, panel with 3 screen and 2 stop point (two reached event – for infinite scroling /from first to third, from third to first), some pinned shortcut on desktop, some unpinned shortcut on destkop, folder with open to center, folder to open for example to left side as sidebar, in one folder set picture baground, dual position and different grid for landscape and different for portrait layouts., etc.


  4. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    Pierre Hébert How about having the ability to load “plugins “, the way Foxfire and dolphin browsers work. I think modularity like that would be a good fit for lightning. And I’d bet we’d have a flood of people publishing them to the Play Store pretty quickly. 

    It seems like the logical next (major) step after scripting. 


  5. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    The proposed application would probably have to make a list and to test whether the device. Some if FF is in device, load name and icon else bla bla.

    The list contains the most common applications. Or by access rights?

    I also think that it is necessary to make a pleasant start for new users. LL order for them to remain as their main launcher.


  6. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    Danbar Danbar I’m with you totally on the subject of creating a good post-install system. This launcher is so rich but I know it took me awhile to discover that.


  7. Anonymous says:

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    That is however much more difficult than it seems. At the end of the last year, TrianguloY rightfully mention the default setup as a priority thing to improve, and a contest has be run to create a default setup. But it wasn’t so easy. Chris sledge had the intuition before everyone else that this was a very very special task. And he was true.

    Three months later, the default setup is still the same. This is still one of my top priority task, but I couldn’t find anything better, because LL is by design too complex and too different from other launchers. Someone coming from Go or Nova will ask for a dock bar. I could reply “make a panel and pin it” but that’s  terribly frightening for a newcomer. My feeling is that a pleasant start is very hard to achieve, but some rough edges have to be soften anyway…


  8. Anonymous says:

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    Pierre Hébert A gifted leader doesn’t know how to do everything perfectly . The gift is in knowing what needs to be done, identifying the perfect people to do it, and (this is usually the hardest part) creating and maintaining an environment that motivates people to produce excellent results.

    You have created that environment. You know what needs to be done, even if you don’t you know how to do it. I’m totally blown away by the skills in this community. Rest assured (for that matter just get some rest 🙂 that the enthusiasm and talent collected here are a resource that will produce what is needed to take the next steps

    And if you don’t let us help you there will be a lot of pissed off programmers coming after you asking why not.

    So relax, revel in your achievements for a while. We’re all looking forward to taking this thing to the next level. Can’t wait to see where that might be.


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