App drawer, search option.

App drawer, search option.

I have installed both version LL (trial, extreme). Because i have for examle twice all apps and script editor app, im doing rename app.

For trial i rename script editor to czech version: skript editor, and all apps to: Všechny aplikace.


If i use search option, and write letter v, i see correctly Všechny aplikace (all apps). But if i wrote “vs” i dont see Vsechny aplikace.

Please doing support for special letters.

I mean this for example :

In my country use different u (u, ú,ů). If user write “vs” please show app with name “všechny aplikace”.

In czech

A (a, á)

C (c, č)

D (d, ď)

E (e, é, ě)

I (i, í)

N (n, ň)

O (o, ó)

R (r, ř)

S (s, š)

T (t, ť)

U (u, ú, ů) and for germany names ü

Y (y, ý)

Z (z, ž)

I mean, different county use different special letters (for example Poland, Germany, etc.).

2) please enable show app after search also in original (manytime in english) name. For example in my case, if i write all apps, showme all apps and všechny aplikace. (twice all apps app).

Pierre Hébert​


One Commentto App drawer, search option.

  1. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    The first is certainly possible, but not the second because the app doesn’t keep the original label (yet) (unlike the icon)


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