I’d like to suggest a feature here.

I’d like to suggest a feature here.

I’d like LL to have the notification access to show the unread count for other apps like whatsapp using dynamic text or badge just like it works for SMS or missed calls. Thank you.

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21 Commentsto I’d like to suggest a feature here.

  1. Anonymous says:

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    That would be pretty damn cool man


  2. Anonymous says:

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    I’d suggest tasker here.


  3. Anonymous says:

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    Lukas Morawietz tasker is a paid app. Not everyone would like to buy it just for creating badges. Also not everyone would have the expertise (like me) or time to use tasker. It’d be great to have in-app support.


  4. Anonymous says:

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    Well if you don’t have time to use tasker, you’d probably also won’t have the time to write a script for that badget either…

    As whatsapp doesn’t broadcast the unread count, there is no reliable way to get it. (Besides Chrome/Chromium, but that would require a server.)

    Therefore this feature probably won’t get natively implemented.

    Pierre Hébert​ may prove me wrong.


  5. Anonymous says:

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    You can try also another app designed for this task, for example this one https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=co.uk.cornwall_solutions.notifyer

    From what I understand the way those apps know the unread messages are directly from the notifications. So to be able to have this feature in the launcher it will need another permission (to read notifications)

    I think it need another permission…maybe I’m wrong


  6. Anonymous says:

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    The problem with all these apps is that if you swipe a notification away, the counter resets even if you haven’t read the message(s). There’s no way that Lighting can do this better (exception would be – as mentioned – a server with a chromium wrapper). That’s why I said it’s not reliable.


  7. Anonymous says:

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    Lukas Morawietz I think the counter is reset when the app is opened instead


  8. Anonymous says:

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    Lukas Morawietz

    WhatsApp does broadcast unread counts.

    To Samsung and Sony launchers . .


  9. Anonymous says:

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    Christian Ramuschkat If you know a way LL could catch these… great! But as far as I know LL is neither a samsung nor a sony launcher….


  10. Anonymous says:

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    From my understanding, in order to catch the intents, targeted to these launchers you would have to add certain code to the app’s manifest.



  11. Anonymous says:

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    Christian Ramuschkat​ the linked article describes the opposite thing: writing an app that has a badge in Sony’s launcher. 


  12. Anonymous says:

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    That’s the point.

    It describes how these intents work.


  13. Anonymous says:

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    Christian Ramuschkat​ well the point of this solution is that two things need to be done: LL needs to provide an interface and whatsapp and facebook have to use the interface in their app.

    The only way to work around the need of other apps changes is that LL has to pretend to be Sony launcher, which is IMO not possible… 

    You can search logcat dumps on a device without Sony launcher for the update_badge broadcast. If you find it, it is possible. 


  14. Anonymous says:

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    The author states that he was able to set up a broadcast receiver to catch those intents, so my assumption was that it would be possible to get those information with other apps, too.


  15. Anonymous says:

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    I use dashnotifier plugin with dashclock widget. It works for me correctly. That’s why I suppose it should be possible to develop this in LL too.


  16. Anonymous says:

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    As a general rule, to get notified of something, some app has two things to do:

    – retrieve the current value (when the app starts, when adding a new badge)

    – listen for value change.

    This requires two interfaces: one to read the value, another one to receive it. Unfortunately there isn’t a generic mean to do that. Third party (and system apps) all have their own way to do, or simply have no way to do it. In order to support notification for messaging app X, lighting has to implement stuff X, same for app Y, and maybe this is not possible for Z.

    For the specific case of whatsapp and sony, maybe it can be fooled by Lightning, it seems the intent does not specify the target package. I didn’t tested that but that’s a interesting path to explore.

    There is also the generic android notification handling. Before Android 5 it was possible (but cumbersome) to catch all notifications, and extract data from the text (the text displayed in the standard notification panel). Starting at Android 5 there are new means to do that but I haven’t look at it yet.


  17. Anonymous says:

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    There are lots of people like myself who use Tasker efficiently and for a great number of things with conditions represented throughout various interactive profiles and simply aren’t going to take the time to learn JavaScript just so they can do this one individual thing. Given that, I was quite surprised that I wasn’t able to find anything on it with Lightning Launcher when I searched the Web over. That said its also quite amazing how few people have the paid version installed and would rather settle for the constraints any other launcher gives. It would be nice though, if someone who knew JavaScript and has already implemented the basics in Tasker by reading notifications would write a simple blog post. It would make me very happy and probably a lot of other people as well. A how to for any app would be great. I have others besides just Whatsapp that would be useful.


  18. Anonymous says:

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    I am with Amit Patil​ but I will start the discussion somewhere else.


  19. Anonymous says:

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    Well… I suppose there is a one liner in the wiki to get a Tasker variable. I tried out the free version of the app suggested and at the end of the day it’s simply doing the same thing that Tasker could.

    I did once come across a Google discussion group where someone was having troubles parsing the Whatsapp database file for notification badges, which is more along the lines of what I’d idealise to have since it wouldn’t set everything to zero simply because the app was opened.

    Nova launcher has this feature, or some other method, but it may be that result of the add on having something that developers can specifically broadcast to. It likely isn’t the case that one can just modify the. to catch that for any app either, it doesn’t work without the paid Nova Prime, so there’s legal issues, and the whole point is for apps to be able to broadcast in a secure way to the plugin. Essentially one would have to build something new which was intended for Nova’s plugin, hack to get the broadcasts intended for Nova, or trick the plugin into thinking it was part of that as a final recuever or the the Nova launcher itself. None of it sounds like it would last very long before the app was updated and if there wasn’t a legal acfion, it would be just plain uncool.

    Well.. one can dream. Its literally the only one thing that Lighting Launcher doesn’t do while it does do any imaginable thing that all other launcers do and don’t do.


  20. Anonymous says:

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    Pierre Hébert 

    Is the below link of any help?



  21. Anonymous says:

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    Hum…Not exactly, this is the point of view of the app wanting to display a badge. It does show however the multitude of ways used by launchers to receive this kind of data. That could be used to mimic some of these launchers.


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