Is there a way of sorting the application drawer alphabetically and have the folders first, followed by the rest of…
Is there a way of sorting the application drawer alphabetically and have the folders first, followed by the rest of the applications?
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Try something like insert a space in front, in folder name. Stick one at the end to center the title.
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Yes, manually.
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I just tested the space thing above, by putting a space in front (and at the end, just for centering) in the label of my last folder (since all my apps are in folders, I have none outside to sort).
This last folder was named WEAR. After Items-> Sort A-Z, the Wear folder was sorted to the top.
This should work.
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Thank you for the advice. I’ll try it
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Problem solved, thanks
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I feel like this should be native and shouldn’t need a workaround. But for now – nice idea.
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