Would it be possible, if I create a folder in the appdrawer, also to have an “add” button like on the Desktop.
Would it be possible, if I create a folder in the appdrawer, also to have an “add” button like on the Desktop. See screenshot.
And perhaps that the created folders automaticly sorts alphabetlicly above the apps.
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Scripters: Can this be done with scripting?
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It would be great if the add button could be implemented in LLX app drawer. Dragging every single app in a folder takes immense of time.
The sorting of the folders is not so important, just a Bonus
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The idea behind hot having the button is to only have one copy of any given app in the app drawer at a time.. Maybe Pierre could implement a ‘move here’ function rather than ‘add’
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Yes. “Move here” is even better. Thanks. But incl. batch support.
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There is no “add” or “move here”action because the app drawer cannot open itself, or handle two parallel contexts. Well, maybe this could be done but I fear the unexpected border effects it could produce…
My only suggestion is to not worry too much about organizing the app drawer into folders, even if this is possible.
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Neh. I don’t worry. I am just happy with LLX 😁😁