I have a good suggestion, add a way to have a better good preview of fonts, look at the way sslauncher does it…

I have a good suggestion, add a way to have a better good preview of fonts, look at the way sslauncher does it something like that would be great because most of the time the names of the files are not what it’s really called or at least the ones I find are that way. and also and action where it will be launched or performed when two points across each other or meet specifically at that moment launched one time and then stop. Using the pause and resume is often leading to a loop of launching the app because once you resume it its on continuously and if your screens covered where you can’t get back to the launcher or don’t have another way around it you can be stuck with your screen looping over and over like I did for about five minutes but I just used E Robot but that’s probably a lot more work and complicated for most people to do all that just for one little thing. and the stop points, well I had to pretty much give up on those things as far as using them to do any kind of activity launch I can’t get them to work right for nothing. But in action that’s performed when two points meet for second it launches then stop… If there’s a way to already do it please enlighten me thank you…. Oh without scripting please I’m not that damn smart lol


12 Commentsto I have a good suggestion, add a way to have a better good preview of fonts, look at the way sslauncher does it…

  1. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    I usually search for fonts using root browser. It shows what they look like, but it would be nice to have that natively.


  2. Anonymous says:

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    Alot of launchers now have a font scanner Pierre Hébert​ have you seen KK launcher, l launcher, etc. the scanners in them? with something like that ever be possible just curious


  3. Anonymous says:

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    I like the idea. I’ve been using Zooper to preview fonts.


  4. Anonymous says:

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    I will try to see if I can set the font in the list for preview. A long tap could show a bigger preview. Is anybody using the current long tap to delete option ?


  5. Anonymous says:

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    Pierre Hébert​…. Uuhhh… Huh??? Really?? Cuz I was seriously just wondering how I can delete some of those that I had to choose just to find out they were ugly as hell lmao so yeah that preview would be really nice. one thing I do notice is after I have switched fonts several times between four and six or seven times it will stop changing the font on the actual icons and stuff and I have to restart the app to apply the last selected font but honestly it’s no big deal because that is a lot of different processing is probably doing it but I’m not wrong about it constantly shifting all the fonts around, oh yeah and I think I might have actually started to figure out those damn mean as stop points lMAO I thought they were going to drive me insane. in all honesty bro it would probably be a good idea to sit down with a couple people with real good native English language skills and try to come up with the right way of steps to explain the stock. And the other lightning goodies that require a lot of brain power to handle. once figured out and you fall into the rhythm of how it all works it’s not so hard at all but until you hit that threshold it’s pretty intense lol


  6. Anonymous says:

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    Sorry about the novel lol I lose track when I’m voice typing


  7. Anonymous says:

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    Yeah, you understood: “good native English language skills”


  8. Anonymous says:

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    Pierre Hébert that’s awesome! I’ll have to try long tap to delete


  9. Anonymous says:

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    I have good redneck language skills lol but my overall English vocabulary could use alot of work, I notice people from different countries saying stuff in English I don’t get lol Pierre Hébert​ if I didn’t know better jus from reading your post the first time, I’d think you an English native… But down here in Southeast Georgia USA people have a good habit of completely slaughtering the English language lol half the time you don’t know what the hell people are saying


  10. Anonymous says:

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    I meant someone really good with different English slang and stuff, like put some twist on it lol jk


  11. Anonymous says:

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    Lol, if my written English is not so bad, I fear that my spoken English is horrible, trust me.

    Big thanks to WordReference.com by the way, this tab is one of the most visited page in my browser, lol!


  12. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    Another language is on my to do list before I leave this ball of chaos called earth.. Still seems sooo hard lol


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