Could it be possible to add a transparent status bar , option like NODA does ´??

Could it be possible to add a transparent status bar , option like NODA does ´??


24 Commentsto Could it be possible to add a transparent status bar , option like NODA does ´??

  1. Anonymous says:

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    What is NODA?


  2. Anonymous says:

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    sorry NOVA


  3. Anonymous says:

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    NOva has that feature? O_o I didn’t know. I just know the hide clock in status bar for rooted phone.


  4. Anonymous says:

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    Yes. Nova has that feature. You could make transparent your status bar. Although I have a S4 phone that has a stock Rom where the status bar is transparent , when i switched to LL the status bar becomes BLACK 


  5. Anonymous says:

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    I didn’t see it in Nova setting. Where it s located?


  6. Anonymous says:

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    Yes just enabled the option in the look and feel menu. I really missed that. In my personal opinion I although LL  gives a lot of customisation options, and until now is the only launcher that has the best features, I missed some of the features of NOVa, like transparent status bar, the look and feel on the App drawer and the icon pack compatibility of NOVA. 


  7. Anonymous says:

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    I know its not exactly what you are looking to do, but you could always build your own status bar in Zooper and hide the system one in LL. 

    You can still access it by swiping down. 

    I have several bars some that are basically just clones of what the normal one looks like with some custom iconography and fonts. Some are more complex. 

    If you would like a hand in building them, just let me know. I even have a font that is nothing but a set of common status bar icons. It makes building the string in zooper super easy. 

    You could also install a custom Rom like Paranoid which lets you do this. In fact I personally fell Paranoid has the best option for it, as it allows you to chance the color of the bar on a per app basis. This is nice since other roms sometimes have problems with displaying transparent status bars in apps that have white backgrounds, at which point you can no longer see the items in your status bar. 


  8. Anonymous says:

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    The TODO list has been updated 😉 BTW: I know that on some ROMs the nav bar can be made transparent too, but is this a setting in the app or in the ROM customisation itself ?


  9. Anonymous says:

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    No Pierre its a setting in the app. For example, with NOVA you can do this, there is a setting in the look and feel menu…where yo can check the option..”Transparent status bar”


  10. Anonymous says:

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    Bill, Thank you for your suggestion.. if you have time and patience I would be grateful if you could help me to build that bars in zooper, or examples of them..


  11. Anonymous says:

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    By the way this is my favorite launcher. 


  12. Anonymous says:

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    Gustavo Luis Soto thanks for the info and the support!


  13. Anonymous says:

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    Gustavo Luis Soto  The bars are actually pretty easy to create. 

    Just make a Zooper widget thats 1xfull-width in size. I use iconsets or scalable iconsets for my battery, wifi, and cell meters. 

    Scalable icons sets are better in my opinion, but a bit more work to create. Since they are ttf font based assets, instead of bitmap assets, they are vectors and can scale without degradation. You also can change their colors.

    I use a combination of illustrator and FontCreator 7.0 to make the custom fonts. You can actually copy and paste directly from Illustrator right into FontCreator. Fontforge is free ware and should work as well.

    The notification icons are a bit more tricky.

    If you are using bitmap based assets you need a layer for each icon, and a formula to move the icon on the x coordinate. Its a pain in the ass.

    The better way is again to create you own custom font full of notification icons.

    Lets say in your font a=phone icon, b=SMS icon, and c=gmail icon.

    Just create one Rich Text layer and enter the following into Edit Text Manually. 


    This is a series of “if this then that” strings. 

    $#SMCALLS#>0?a$ is basically saying that if there is more that 1 unread SMS then render the letter a, if not then dont render anything. 

    Since the series is on a text layer it can be set to a left side format. This means that as notifications come in, they always stackup from left to right. If you clear one away, the other shift to the left, just like your real taskbar does. 

    If you have any other questions feel free to ask. 


  14. Anonymous says:

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    Omg! I made mine so complicated!! Thank you Bill Surowiecki . 

    Question; How about, when I want it vertically aligned? Will hitting “enter” in between do the trick?


  15. Anonymous says:

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    Jhonbert Magana Yes that should work, but it might cause a spacing issue. Im not sure if the enter will still stay intact. Basically while the top sting wont render, the next sting might not move up. The reason I say this is because if you hit enter, enter, enter, and then put your sting in, the output of the string will be three lines down when it renders in the widget. 

    You could try using the X Margin feature though, and increasing the number of lines in the Rich Text field to the total number of strings you have. The trick here would be to write it out exactly as I have it, and dont use enter. If you make the X margin large enough it should auto force the second character down to the second line. 


  16. Anonymous says:

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    Jhonbert Magana Just tested the second theory and it works as expected. I would use that method. 

    HINT The thinner the width of the widget, the lower your X margin needs to be before objects shift to the next line down. 


  17. Anonymous says:

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    Almost forgot the lines and margin feature. Thank you again Bill Surowiecki. 

    I made my lockscreen that act as dynamic (shows/hide) notication center so complicated!

    Speaking of lockscreen. Do you have any plan of making lockscreen replacement app Pierre Hébert. “Lightning lockscreen” 😀

    With the LL being the best Launcher for customizing, a lockscreen partner would be awesome!


  18. Anonymous says:

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    Jhonbert Magana : yes ! I even started to code on it, but had to focus on other things. I hope to resume it some day.


  19. Anonymous says:

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    Yay!! Pierre Hébert 


  20. Anonymous says:

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    Bill Surowiecki Wish we can do it easily like this on “rect” for background purpose.


  21. Anonymous says:

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    Jhonbert Magana Not sure what you mean… Give me an example and Ill see what I can come up with.


  22. Anonymous says:

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    Wait, are we talking about scalable icons? I don’t make scalable icons. :'( 

    Does that mean we can’t do that trick on bitmaps?

    OK, let’s say msg, gmail, call missed counts.

    If we want the “auto align” effect

    Just create one Rich Text layer and enter the following into Edit Text Manually. 


    What if we want a background rect for each text?


  23. Anonymous says:

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    Jhonbert Magana

    Bitmaps will not work as they have static x/y coordinates.  So you would need an equation to determine their position. 

    Text on the other hand is not a static position. Only the start point is static and it can be set to Left, Center, Right. 

    I can give you my iconset if you like, but its by far not complete. You will also need some tasker work, or a few completed tasker standalone apps on the market by DebO if you want things like Google+, Hangouts, Facebook, ect notifications to work. 

    Creating backgrounds, will require the same string you would use for bitmap movement. I dont see the need for backgrounds though as I can make my icon font any color I like… I can even make the color dynamic. 


  24. Anonymous says:

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    Thank you Bill Surowiecki . But I don’t want to install another app as long as possible. Hopefully Zooper will have native supports for those.

    Have you seen the dynamic version of my glazz7 lockscreen? The one I asked for the right grammar

    “swipe the bottom of the screen from left to right to unlock”. remember?


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