It has the default as when opening other apps: fade, slide (four directions), system, scale and none. Maybe some are unavailable depending on your android version (not sure about this).
Yup. Found it, I’ll have to edit every icon individually, then. Sorry for bugging you, but I’m a total noob. Coming from nova, one could overload on all the customisation options. Thanks a million!
Radu Sbiera don’t worry, we all were noobs at the beginning.
To edit one property in all items of a container deselect any item while editing the properties.
Or you can long tap a panel/desktop/folder and click the pencil. Then any change will be in all items*
*all except the ones with custom properties (the custom checkbox at the left). Think of this like default settings vs custom ones. To change default settings don’t select any items. To change custom settings select one or more.
Hey huh, I have my LL set to open App Drawer as a swipe up, I wish it would actually slide up as it opens, but it slides to the right, actually this is how I’ve set up a folder(to slide to the right), and sometimes the app drawer opens sliding up, but most of time it appears as if LL is being confused about how to open an chooses to open the App Drawer as if it was the folder
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It has the default as when opening other apps: fade, slide (four directions), system, scale and none. Maybe some are unavailable depending on your android version (not sure about this).
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TrianguloY Thanks! Can you give me a path to the setting?
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It is different as you probably are thinking.
It is a property of the shortcuts, so you can have one that opens the app drawer with a slide, another one that opens it with a zoom, etc.
Long tap the app drawer shortcut, edit, properties, misc, launch animation.
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Works like a charm. Thanks!
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Also, speaking of the app drawer, can I set the size of the icons in it?
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The same way. But under icon instead of misc (play with the scale)
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Yup. Found it, I’ll have to edit every icon individually, then. Sorry for bugging you, but I’m a total noob. Coming from nova, one could overload on all the customisation options. Thanks a million!
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Radu Sbiera don’t worry, we all were noobs at the beginning.
To edit one property in all items of a container deselect any item while editing the properties.
Or you can long tap a panel/desktop/folder and click the pencil. Then any change will be in all items*
*all except the ones with custom properties (the custom checkbox at the left). Think of this like default settings vs custom ones. To change default settings don’t select any items. To change custom settings select one or more.
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Hey huh, I have my LL set to open App Drawer as a swipe up, I wish it would actually slide up as it opens, but it slides to the right, actually this is how I’ve set up a folder(to slide to the right), and sometimes the app drawer opens sliding up, but most of time it appears as if LL is being confused about how to open an chooses to open the App Drawer as if it was the folder