originally i was using the jellybean launcher loader to load llx by default on boot.

originally i was using the jellybean launcher loader to load llx by default on boot. well i found something better. this was never talked about until now and i found this by accident. at first glance it allows actions to be performed by pressing the home button followed by a 2nd button. what i found amazing is that you set this to run as your default launcher and because of this you have to choose which app to run when pressing just the home button.

this literally means that on boot you can have literally any launcher app open as the launcher. this works better than JBLL because it doesnt lose llx because it only opens as an app in itself.

this is especially great for those with menu and search keys (hardware or software). 


4 Commentsto originally i was using the jellybean launcher loader to load llx by default on boot.

  1. Anonymous says:

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    I used it with my previous mobile, and it worked great.

    The only thing I notice (but normal obviously) is that it takes a bit to go to the launcher, specially if the device is fast (even though you can modify the waiting time)


  2. Anonymous says:

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    TrianguloY how to modify wait time? I’d like to check that out


  3. Anonymous says:

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    There is a setting where you can specify the time to wait until the second click (I think it was slow, normal, fast…) the more it waits the more it takes to go to the launcher. Just test a bit, the good value depends the fast you are clicking twice


  4. Anonymous says:

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    You mean that setting? I was still experamenting with it…. sadly I lost 99.9% Of my work just 45 Minutes ago when my tablet forced me to reset to factory yet again


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