Another different idea (I like to try different things, not to improve previous ones :P )
Another different idea (I like to try different things, not to improve previous ones 😛 )
The idea of this design is ‘different homes’
Colors may change. (sorry for the poor quality of the lightning…and lines in general. Made from mobile)
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Chris sledge: like this?
Pierre Hébert: not sure if you saw this post…Just in case
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I put the houses more separated to see the shadow effect, otherwise the corner is in the middle and I don’t like it 😛
And the shadow around is a good idea. Let’s see what Pierre thinks
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Humm… to be honest I don’t feel really inspired by this icon, sorry 🙁
My opinion is that this is quite complex, and I am not sure that everyone would associate several homes with customization.
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Understandable, but better not to think in cranes and scaffolds 😛
I tried, but an icon is too small for that.
Anyway, I think the icon discussion will be better when android L gets released. (Or a bit before)
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Agreed (at least for the cranes 😉 )