About the new beta Pierre Hébert​:

About the new beta Pierre Hébert​:

I can’t access the batch add mode or I don’t know how. When I use add item, app, it shows my drawer.

What is the ‘backup/restore’ shortcut you mention? Can we now make a backup clicking an item? (That would be nice, but couldn’t find anything in Lightning actions)

What means this? “Use the same folder icon everywhere (add item dialog, new folder, image picker)” (I saw the folder icon is a different one, nice. But I don’t understand the image picker mention)

Now we can set independently ‘seamless mode X’ and ‘seamless mode X’…I think there is a mistake in the label 😛

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5 Commentsto About the new beta Pierre Hébert​:

  1. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    Batch mode: click add item, long press first item, select others normal.


  2. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    Wow! Nice thanks 😀


  3. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    Indeed, batch is only activated when called to add items. I couldn’t find a right way from the UI point of view to start a batch at any time but this may come later.

    The “same folder icon everywhere” can be seen in the image picker when using the file picker. Previously there were 3 different icons! I replaced them with the version found in the icon font, this is a bit more consistent and saves a few kb in the package.

    Seamless mode X and Seamless mode X: lol, I code with eyes closed!


  4. Anonymous says:

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    Pierre Hébert don’t worry, the new batch mode is perfect as it is now.

    If you just want to add an app you click it, if you want to add more you long click to select and then select more. That’s the expected behavior those days. (I’m used to the old way 😛 )

    Maybe you can add a hint too, so it explains the process


  5. Anonymous says:

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    More hints is probably the right way to go. Explaining things step by step helps a lot.


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