How do I make a nice neat App drawer on one of Desktops?

How do I make a nice neat App drawer on one of Desktops?

I have my last desktop set as all apps but I can’t make it just confined to right 4 columns all the way down. How do I quickly add all apps to this specific desktop and have them sorted and organized to in the right 4 columns?

I want this because pulling up the actual full LL app drawer is super laggy. It takes way too long to open.

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7 Commentsto How do I make a nice neat App drawer on one of Desktops?

  1. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    as there is no way to add items by scripts, there is no (easy) way.


  2. Anonymous says:

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    I like your idea, I’m going to try it. I think the following will work. The second step will be a little time consuming, but after that everything should go quickly.

    1. Set the desktop layout to the number of rows and columns you want in your “drawer.” Its probably also a good idea to set the desktop layout to “swap” and “rearrange”

    2. From the menu select “add item” to launch the app drawer from the desktop where you want the shortcuts to be. (Yes you will have to have patience waiting for the drawer to refresh. I usually get it started then go get a beverage or read a book for a while :-P)

    One at a time long press the apps and choose “add to launcher” from the pop-up menu. At this point order doesn’t matter because you can sort them later.

    3. After closing the app drawer, go back to the desktop where your shortcuts landed , and select items/sort/….

    If there any holes or blank spaces, item/compact should fix that.

    4. Set your Play store settings to place a shortcut on the home screen.

    When you install new software, you can move these shortcuts to the “drawer” desktop from the position menu.

    I think the above should work to implement your idea without scripting. I’ll give it a try. I know there is a bit of manual work but it could be a decent way to do it.


  3. Anonymous says:

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    One of the reason your app drawer is laggy is probably that you have a lot of apps. And unlike other launchers, LL loads all these apps when loading the app drawer not at startup (or when the app is restarted), hence the delay.

    You may try the “Minimize ram usage” (expert mode), this should help a lot.

    Creating a new app drawer is IMHO not a good idea. Adding a lot of apps to a desktop will have the same effect : it will add weight and slow down things in the end. My point of view regarding the app drawer is that this is an app picker, not a tool to launch apps. Configure the home screen with the app you use frequently, and once this is done leave the app drawer closed the rest of the time, it will same memory, cpu, and time.


  4. Anonymous says:

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    Pierre Hébert  I totally agree, but this is a launcher of possibilities. If someone want to create an own app drawer he should be able to do so.

    Pls add an option to create and delete items via script!


  5. Anonymous says:

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    Or perhaps a container-setting to auto add newly installed apps into that container (and all the others that have the setting checked)

    I suggested this time ago… Pierre Hébert


  6. Anonymous says:

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    Pierre Hébert it’s pretty obvious you don’t use the app drawer frequently, or it would work very differently,  I’m sure.

    I work very differently from you. I prefer to use an app drawer and I have absolutely no intention of ever changing the way I work or the way I think to fit your preferences . If I felt that was a good thing to do I would buy an iPhone. No one else should have to do that either.

    I have a lot of apps too. I use different ones all the time. I spend a lot of time evaluating new ones, comparing and contrasting them, and teaching other people to use them. I like doing that. Besides being a long time techno geek, I am a teacher and a writer. I do a lot of writing about the above.

    I’m never going to change what I do or the way I prefer to do it because I spent a couple bucks on your app. There might be other, good reasons to change, but the fact that ll’s  app drawer can be irritating to use isn’t one of them.

    I do, however occasionally change the launcher that I use when it doesn’t meet the needs of the way I prefer to work. Llx, so far,  holds the record for the length of time I have used it before losing patience and switching to something else.

    People are drawn to your product because of its great flexibility. Using that flexibility I have implemented Tyler Buckner ‘s idea as I outlined above, with the addition of having placed all the shortcuts inside a panel, so that I can create above it an action bar panel with search icons and color scheme that I like.

    I have done that and so far it is working well for me. My new “app drawer” desktop is  not nearly as laggy or buggy as the built-in drawer. Eventually I’ll probably write a script to automate the manual steps. I am very pleased to have a launcher that allows me to do that.

    I’m not asking you to spend time on fixing the app drawer. I’m fine without it now because I have implemented Tyler Buckner’s idea.

    End of diatribe.  :-P.   Thank you, Pierre Hébert,

    for creating a launcher that makes it possible,  easy and even, occasionally, fun to be creative and productive. I always enjoy reading the posts in this community and am usually impressed and occasionally awestruck by the quality of skills and talents expressed here. 


  7. Anonymous says:

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    Carolyn Boyle Ah ah, I suspected you were a writer 😉 And maybe be a poet too ?

    Everybody has its very own way to use things (not limited to software) and that’s a good thing. I only expressed my point of view, fortunately the app drawer is still there (and its caveats too) 😉 I don’t intend to enforce a specific way to use the app, and LL is all about flexibility, but this app has nevertheless its own strengths and weaknesses that makes it more suitable for a few things and less comfortable for others.


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