Hi, just started using. Need replacement to zeam. So far, it can likely work. Two question:
Hi, just started using. Need replacement to zeam. So far, it can likely work. Two question:
1. How to make icons not rotate when orientation of device switches?
I have searched and searched in the options and habe yet to find how.
2. How to add a simple web page link? Do I use a widget?
3. How to add an application dock, without having to pin items? Can I pin a panel? I can’t seem to find how.
BR! /Marcus
Any tips on number one appreciated. It is driving me nuts.
Ok, found post from two years ago on question Nr 1. For other readers : there is a properties page in edit mode for the desktop itself, under which there is a miscellaneous tab, where rotate is default checked. I unchecked and it stopped.
2. In Chrome, there is an option called “add to home screen”
3. Yes. Create the panel how you like. Go to edit mode in your home screen (NOT inside the panel). Select the panel (turns blue by default). Tap the paint brush icon at bottom. Pin settings are in the misc tab.
Hi Chris Chastain​, thanks alot, worked like a charm!