Just out of curiosity, how heavy is your RAM Lighting Launcher load?

Just out of curiosity, how heavy is your RAM Lighting Launcher load? Of course it will vary on what you are running but I am curious since I have been using a number of launchers for years and I am curious what a “light resource” launcher uses.

For the sake of FYI, I am using 4 pages (thus a 2×3 grid), 5 widgets and a few folders with sliding animations. Nice but light wallpaper, all icons at 110%, instead of 100%, no lockscreen, and 1 floating desktop has been set. I am seating on average at 91mb+. How about you?   


14 Commentsto Just out of curiosity, how heavy is your RAM Lighting Launcher load?

  1. Anonymous says:

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    Nice! I have 131mb and my desktops completely empty


  2. Anonymous says:

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    60MB with just a few actions set at the minute. Haven’t had time to do anything fancy with it for a while.


  3. Anonymous says:

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    Android reports 45mb for my setup. Not sure how meaningful that is…


  4. Anonymous says:

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    51Mb for me 😊

    3 desktops and a lockscreen


  5. Anonymous says:

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    I alternate between several desktops, one by Lutz, a couple from Gerd and a creation of my own based on John Nada’s Kora and I am averaging 69MB.


  6. Anonymous says:

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    19 MB for me.

    To reduce the ram usage i dont use the AppDrawer, just a Folder as sidebar with my favorite apps. After using the AppDrawer to place new AppShortcuts i restart LLX with a shortcut. So the AppDrawer is unloaded and the ram is 19 MB again.

    I use 3 desktops and some scripts, and two widgets ( clock and calendar).


  7. Anonymous says:

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    I am afraid these numbers have no meaning. Please don’t look at this screen, you’re wasting your cpu and battery 😉

    Just for fun: the total on this screen is 257MB (it doesn’t seem to scroll, right?). Where are the other used 475MB on the 732MB displayed at the bottom of the screen ?

    Also free RAM barely exists on Linux, this is used memory that could possibly be freed if needed (buffers, cache, …).


  8. Anonymous says:

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    Although I am sure you are correct and I am not an Android Wiz, I would say the other 475MB would be where you would expect it to be, under the Cached Processes tab, like Google Android Services and others in my case when I took the screenshot.


  9. Anonymous says:

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    Sascha Roehrbein  So how exactly “don’t use the AppDrawer, I mean, just by not going into it, it does not load?  Would it be cool if you could in fact disable the appDrawer as an option. Given the structure of Lightining Launcher, can that be fone. 


  10. Anonymous says:

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    Mauricio Alas In the early time of LLX Pierre wrote about the Launcher and the AppDrawer. I remember he wrote that the AppDrawer would only loaded into memory if you run it. By restarting LLX . The AppDrawer is away from ram.


  11. Anonymous says:

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    Sascha Roehrbein I am going to take a look, as you are onto something there. I have only but a few Apps left on my App Drawer that I need to get, so if I move them, I will have absolutely no reason to go into it. 


  12. Anonymous says:

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    Mauricio Alas I have a folder with my favorite apps, configured as sidebar. It slides in by touching the desktop.


  13. Anonymous says:

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    Yeah, I like the sweet action of the sidebars. Great idea. I going to implement it while on the subway back home. 


  14. Anonymous says:

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    Regarding the app drawer, I think this is usually best to use it as a picker you use from time to time to add apps on your desktop, because most often we only use a small fraction of all installed apps.

    But usage may vary depending on users…


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