Posted by: pierrot | on September 16, 2017
Posted in | 7 Comments » Tags: Jay M
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Jay M
Did you remember to enable advanced options?
Oh yeeeeeeah
Switched it on but still not there
Jay M
Well, at least a bunch of other stuff is there, now. 🤷
True true i was just thinking i can probably work around it with a script but then i remembered i already wrote 1 to change the bar colors il dig it up and give that a go.
incase anyone else runs into this heres the script – Google+
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< ![CDATA[
Jay M
Did you remember to enable advanced options?
< ![CDATA[
Oh yeeeeeeah
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Switched it on but still not there
< ![CDATA[
Jay M
Well, at least a bunch of other stuff is there, now. 🤷
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True true i was just thinking i can probably work around it with a script but then i remembered i already wrote 1 to change the bar colors il dig it up and give that a go.
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incase anyone else runs into this heres the script – Google+