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I have lighting sketchpad but it is not working how can I use it please tell me the way

I have lighting sketchpad but it is not working how can I use it please tell me the way

Seria bueno que se bloque cuando se presione dos veces

Seria bueno que se bloque cuando se presione dos veces

Hi everyone. How can I make a text box with rounded corners?

Hi everyone. How can I make a text box with rounded corners?


Hi Pierre Hébert​

Hi Pierre Hébert​

LLx crashing with my current theme.

I’ve sent many reports plus my backup.

I’ve now switched to another launcher but yours is really missing me. Helppppppppp


Hi guys ! Nice to see you all still there, keeping up the excellent work 👍

Hi guys ! Nice to see you all still there, keeping up the excellent work 👍

I’ve a question (the solution might be around there, but can’t find it)

I’d like to launch an ‘activity’ (new email in Gmail) by long press an icon, but I can’t find it in LL.

It’s working in klwp but LL don’t show the same option for ‘activities’ or ‘shortcut’

Thanks for your help


Hi everyone. How can I make the text background blurry?

Hi everyone. How can I make the text background blurry?


I am not able to change gestures for desktop anymore.

I am not able to change gestures for desktop anymore. What I have set for various gestures still work but I cannot add new gestures or change ones I already have active?? Any ideas?


Do you know where a great developer Pierre Hébert is…?

Do you know where a great developer Pierre Hébert is…?

I have been waiting for next update (playing with KLWP…) for quarter of year..

Any info?


Lightning Launcher eXtreme / мой лаунчер

Hi everyone, I’m new with LL and I’m fascinated with this amazing launcher.

Hi everyone, I’m new with LL and I’m fascinated with this amazing launcher. How can I change font? And anyone knows I’d it’s possible to download fonts from Google fonts?