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This is a quick tutorial for a simple scrollable dock that’s found in most launchers its lengthy but I was going…

This is a quick tutorial for a simple scrollable dock that’s found in most launchers its lengthy but I was going slow and wanted to show some features of the launcher that new users might not know about yet eg. object depth

Hi everyone. How can I make a text box with rounded corners?

Hi everyone. How can I make a text box with rounded corners?


Hi Pierre Hébert​ I have reboot after coming to Settings Desktop Évents when chosing any line

Hi Pierre Hébert​ I have reboot after coming to Settings Desktop Évents when chosing any line

On last version I have the same on MM ans on Nougat


Hello, take a look at my tutorial about “blur background when open a folder”.

Hello, take a look at my tutorial about “blur background when open a folder”. It’s in german but with screenshots. So it should be easy to understand.

Just follow this link

Hi, reposting my comment on my other post with pictures for a clearer description.

Hi, reposting my comment on my other post with pictures for a clearer description.

What if it’s a particular activity you want to launch instead? For example opening the dialer instead of the contacts tab in the contacts app?

The thing is, I also have Nova Launcher Prime installed on my device. I can add a Nova Activity shortcut that could open the dialer instead, but I can’t seem to recreate that using the script.


Hi, I’d just like to ask how to launch an app using javascript, particularly the runaction command. Thanks!

Hi, I’d just like to ask how to launch an app using javascript, particularly the runaction command. Thanks!


Tutorial: Cross Setup with stop points

Tutorial: Cross Setup with stop points

All edges (E) consist of two detached barrier stop points.


Left to Right, Left. Position: (0/-1)

Top to Bottom, Top. Position (-1/0)


Right to Left, Right, Position (screenwidth,-1)

Top to Bottom, Top. Position (screenwidth+1,0)


Left to Right, Left. Position: (0/screenheight+1)

Bottom to Top, Bottom. Position (-1,screenheight)


Right to Left, Right, Position (screenwidth,screenheight+1)

Bottom to Top, Bottom. Position (screenwidth+1,screenheight)

All other stop points are attached to the grid and their exact position on the line doesn’t matter.

Their configuration is:

Left to Right, Right to Left; Left, Right or

Top to Bottom, Bottom to Top; Top, Bottom

The outer (O) ones have Barrier on, while those in the middle (M) have Barrier off.

All stop points have Stop scroll and Stop drag on.

This is a follow-up to this post:


Stop points, H Tuttle​​​​

Stop points, H Tuttle​​​​

First pic is my home screen.

(Pic 2) I swipe to the right, to slide out my folder buttons (LLX, TOOLS PHOTO) They stop just before the center.

(Pic 3) edit mode, shows where my stop points are located.

The center Stop Point stops scrolling (with snapping on) when stowing the folder buttons (scrolling to left).

The SP on the upper left limits how far the buttons slide in from left to right. If I wanted the buttons to stop in the dead center, I would move that SP a little further to the LEFT. If I wanted those buttons all the way on the right edge, I would move that left SP way to the LEFT.

The folder buttons stop exactly where they are, when swiping them out, because each one opens a side-bar type folder from the left that exactly fills that space.

Hope this helps. Very simple setup, but maybe similar in some ways to yours.




Quick and Simple Unlocker for Lightning Launcher.

Originally shared by gerd reuter (werksmannschaft)

Quick and Simple Unlocker for Lightning Launcher.