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LL crashes when I try to ‘move out of folder’ second app shortcut consecutively after moving an app shortcut out of…
Is anyone facing the same issue?
]]>Hi Pierre Hébert
I am playing around with the SVG-stuff. But I cannot make it do what I want in Binding. My script works fine.
Here is the SVG:
viewBox=”0 0 99 99″ style=”enable-background:new 0 0 99 99;” xml:space=”preserve”>
d=”M50,5 c-20,100 20,100 0,0″/> Here is the working Script : var s = getEvent().getItem().getBoxBackground(‘n’).getSvgRoot().getElementById(‘hand’) if (s.getTransform() == null) { s.setTransform(‘rotate(33 -50 -60)’)} else { s.setTransform(”)} But as the photo shows, it will not rotate wirh bindings. But the binding-options for the SVG #hand do populate. Any suggestions?
There is probably an easy way… But.. How do I get ‘down’ if there is no way ‘up’??
There is probably an easy way… But.. How do I get ‘down’ if there is no way ‘up’??
Official Xperia 7.0 Rom
]]>I wrote a script to use as a launch animation that scales an item up and then down again (kinda like a bounce).
function fillOptions(options, defaults){
options = options || {};
for(var p in defaults){
if(typeof options[p] === “undefined”)
options[p] = defaults[p]
return options;
function setAndClearTimeout(func, timeout){
var id = setTimeout(function(){
}, timeout);
function animScale(it, newScale, duration, options){
options = fillOptions(options, {animType: null, clearBindings: true});
var varName = “scaleAnim”;
var form = “animate(‘$”+varName+”‘, “+duration;
form += ‘, “‘+options.animType+'”‘;
form += ‘)’;
var prop = it.getProperties();
var onGrid = prop.getBoolean(“i.onGrid”);
it.setBinding(“s.iconScale”, form, true)
it.setBinding(“”, form, true);
it.setBinding(““, form, true)
LL.setVariableFloat(varName, newScale);
setAndClearTimeout(function after(){
prop.edit().setFloat(“s.iconScale”, newScale).commit()
it.setScale(newScale, newScale);
}, duration)
function bounce(it, duration, scaleIncrease, options){
options = fillOptions(options, {after: null});
var itProp = it.getProperties()
, itScale;
itScale = itProp.getFloat(“s.iconScale”)
itScale = it.getScaleX()
animScale(it, itScale+scaleIncrease, duration/2, {animType:”de”, clearBindings:false, after: function(){
animScale(it, itScale, duration/2, {animType:”ac”, after: options.after, preciseFinish: true});
var e = getEvent();
var it = e.getItem();
bounce(it, 100, 0.25, {after: function(){
if(it.getIntent().getAction() == “android.intent.action.MAIN”){
getActiveScreen().runAction(EventHandler.RUN_SCRIPT, it, getScriptByName(“Scaling Animation”).getId());
]]>What is the easiest way to show a simple gradient at a panel background.
Running 14.1.5 on a pixel with 7.1.1
Running 14.1.5 on a pixel with 7.1.1
Have set up various different desktops which are launched with tasker. Each desktop has its home key bound to return it to that desktop rather than the default. Most of the time though it seems to almost randomly decide that a desktop is the default (not reflected in the configure desktop settings) and home key will return it there instead of the one that the key is bound to. Is this some sort of 7.1.1 behaviour that cannot be overridden?
Have tried binding home key to a tasker task that then opens the correct desktop based on a variable but the home key still opens its randomly decided desktop first then a second press of the home key runs the tasker task.
Sometimes restarting the phone will reset the proper default desktop but not often.
It seems like 7.1.1 prioritises normal home key function first then secondarily whatever lightning launcher has assigned.
This setup had always worked flawlessly on older phones / versions.
Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks
I have some folders in ‘My Drawer’.
Whenever I open a folder and then hit back button from the navigation bar, it closes the app drawer instead of the open folder.
Earlier it used to work. Not sure when the behaviour changed, but it seems a recent change/bug.
Is anyone facing the same issue?
]]>🎵Its a sad sad world when your head looks like a pizza🎵 or your app drawer has a big ass gap between the status bar…
🎵Its a sad sad world when your head looks like a pizza🎵 or your app drawer has a big ass gap between the status bar and action bar like this.
S7 edge just updated to Nougat tried uninstall install but didnt fix it.
]]>Hi all, maybe a simple one? Is there a way to change the icon size in the app drawer?
Hi all, maybe a simple one? Is there a way to change the icon size in the app drawer?