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Do you think it’s time to go with other launchers?

Do you think it’s time to go with other launchers?



You do know, I’m using Lightning Launcher with my beloved Lutz Linke’s Companion template tuned to my very own needs changing Zooper with KWGT.

My phone is a Huawei Mate 9, 4Gb RAM, stock Nougat.

On this scenario, the touches on every element of the template are ugly “marked” and visible.

On my previous LG G Pro 2 KitKat phone that wasn’t like this.

Do you know if this behavior could be changed or if it is a performance/aptimization problem?


Hi, all.

Hi, all.

On my previous phone, an LG G Pro 2, stock but rooted LG Kitkat rom, when I launched a template recover all my KWGT widgets gets back.

Now on a Huawei stock Nougat rom, the template recover doesn’t get back my widgets and I have to select them one by one again and again.

Do you knows why??

Lately, since V14.0.1 (r2851) I’m having crashes.

Lately, since V14.0.1 (r2851) I’m having crashes. I’m tweaking Lutz Linke’s COMPANION template to my needs. Mostly changing zooper for KWGT to all widgets. But when I try to change now ligthning launcher crashes and reverts to stock LG launcher.

I don’t know if those are lightning or COMPANION template issues because by now I have both zooper and KWGT installed while changing from one to another.