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Pierre Hébert​ With the latest update of Lightning Launcher, app open and close transition animations don’t show…

Pierre Hébert​ With the latest update of Lightning Launcher, app open and close transition animations don’t show anymore. Sometimes they randomly do, but usually, the app I click on well just appear before me, without an entrance animation.


This is a little bug I discovered weeks ago…but completely forgot.

This is a little bug I discovered weeks ago…but completely forgot. It is still in the 12.7 stable version. Not a big problem anyway.

When you open the new hierarchy screen from a container (long tap/items…/hierarchy…) it opens the hierarchy with the long tapped container opened and at the top.


It doesn’t open the containers containing that container recursively (try saying that fast).

So (make sure the hierarchy menu has all containers closed, otherwise those examples will work different)

If you open it long tapping directly a desktop A, that desktop is opened in the hierarchy screen and placed at the top. Ok

If you open it long tapping a panel/folder inside desktop A, the hierarchy menu is shown with all desktops closed, even A. BUT if you open the desktop A, the long tapped container is opened.

If you open it long tapping a container inside another container B inside our desktop A, the hierarchy menu is shown with all desktops closed, when opening A the subcontainer B is also closed BUT if you open B, then C is already opened.


So, when opening the hierarchy menu from a container you need to open all parents, not only the selected one.


Here is video with problem for czech translate.

Here is video with problem for czech translate.

I try install slovak pack and have same problem. Pierre Hébert​


Hi, not sure if it’s a bug or just me doing something wrong, but if i try to select run a script from swipe up or…

Hi, not sure if it’s a bug or just me doing something wrong, but if i try to select run a script from swipe up or down gesture in desktop settings then I get a force close. If I try the same from Lightning settings then it will let me select my script but won’t execute it.


Small but a headache when creating many folders.

Small but a headache when creating many folders. I create a folder and remove background image for the folder.If I change or edit the folder, the background comes , and I have to remove the background again


In settings for items if user doing move option screen to down and open some settings with list, choose option, now…

In settings for items if user doing move option screen to down and open some settings with list, choose option, now is screen back on top.

For example on video i selecting style for page indicator.

Pierre Hébert​


Sometime is broken minimap page indicator.

Sometime is broken minimap page indicator. I dont know why. If is this situation, normal small screen is now big (all size by grid). After restart LL is minimap OK. On video is visible what i mean. Pierre Hébert​


Hi Pierre Hébert​ Could you disable Floating desktop when Lock desktop is there ?

Hi Pierre Hébert​ Could you disable Floating desktop when Lock desktop is there ?

Because we can unlock from App drawer


Page indicator (dots) in app drawer have problem with zooming.

Page indicator (dots) in app drawer have problem with zooming. (i mean same problem will have other indicator). I mean, in app drawer is possible have only one line with dots (vertical or horizontal). Pierre Hébert​

Because if i doing swipe up/down, app drawer doing automatically change sorting…

B6 and previous, very small bug…

B6 and previous, very small bug…

In settings for container/save to a style/make a new style

If user select this option, and not typing anything, LL save this empty name. After is in list emty line.
