Pierre Hébert With the latest update of Lightning Launcher, app open and close transition animations don’t show…
Pierre Hébert With the latest update of Lightning Launcher, app open and close transition animations don’t show anymore. Sometimes they randomly do, but usually, the app I click on well just appear before me, without an entrance animation.
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Set the “Launch animation” option to “System” (in item properties / misc)
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Pierre Hébert For some reason, though, it happened on both my phone and tablet, and it happens everywhere, I had to manually change it for app drawer, desktop, and each individual folder.
However, there is still no animation to enter the app drawer from desktop, it just appears.
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The reason is that I deliberately changed the default behavior from “System” to “None” in v12.7… For the app drawer, what if you set the animation to “Fade” ?
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Pierre Hébert I have the same problem but I cannot find the setting you just mentioned. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
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If you enter edit mode and display the items properties box, you will find the option in the “Misc” tab.
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Ok, I found it. Is there a way to make this universal without having to do it for each individual application?
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Unselect any item, the option are then applied to the container.
Chris Chastain : you are probably right!
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Pierre Hébert Thank you for your help