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+Lukas Morawietz I have a bug when i’am using a MultiTool.

+Lukas Morawietz I have a bug when i’am using a MultiTool.

Menu button -> Scripts -> MultiTool -> Other -> Reset Tool

cause error: “At line 397: TypeError: Cannot call method “getItems” of null”


Latest version, 12.7b6

Latest version, 12.7b6

i think this must be a bug…


I have for example some app on desktop 1.i go to hierrarchy screen and select this app and doing move this app to…

I have for example some app on desktop 1.i go to hierrarchy screen and select this app and doing move this app to desktop 2. Now i doing move this app back to desktop 1. Right now i have crash. And i dont have this app on any container (app/shortcut is lost). Beta 5 Pierre Hébert​


So I’ve randomly had a bug pop up.

Originally shared by Paul Charpie

So I’ve randomly had a bug pop up. I opened my app drawer yesterday and refreshed it to see an app I had downloaded. When I did, it suddenly only shows two random Verizon apps. I can’t get it to show up with any other apps. Is there a fix for this? I’m on a galaxy S4 running lollipop




I have set blue wallpaper as system wallpaper. And i use transparent notification bar (android kk) .

For one desktop i set LL wallpaper, and color background. You can see on picture…

On first picture is everything ok. Now o set this desktop as floating. On second picture you can see, where is problem. In transparent notification bar, is visible only system wallpaper. LL wallpaper and color bacground isnt visible. Pierre Hébert​


Sometimes I can’t launch apps from folders.

Sometimes I can’t launch apps from folders. Other times (which I don’t have in the video) the folder opens blank or with some apps missing, then when I close and open folder again its fine… Odd




In edit mode… You add to bottom bar icon for hierrarchy, but this icon dont have text.

Pierre Hébert​




I have only one screen in vertical and i have seamless mode Y set to NO.

Now i move some shortcut to top, and now I have in vertical two screens. (position 0, and -1).

But LL add new empty screen on bottom, this is bug.

If i now enable seamless mode Y to yes, in this mode, i dont see this empty screen. If i disable seamless Y, now i again see this empty screen.

Pierre Hébert




I have in vertical, two screens. On top screen, i have only one shortcut.

I move this shortcut to first screen (down).

Now I have only one line screen.

Now i go to settings, and doing change language. LL doing restart, and now, i have again Two screens in vertical. (shortcut is back on top screen, same place before, than i doing move to down).

Pierre Hébert




Mini map page indicator not working good.

If is seamless x enabled, and user doing swipes to left (more time), somethime this page indicator show blank map. (swipe to right working correctly). Dots page indicator, working good (tested only for horizontal scrolling).

Pierre Hébert​ 
