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does anyone already have a script written that pulls the last used app and opens it (regardless of whether that app…
saw a post from TrianguloY in 2014 but saw that it no longer applied to LP/MM+ …
]]>i create a shortcut with this lines and change icon visibility but the shortcut create but the icon still visible.
var e = getEvent();
var c = e.getContainer();
var sh=c.addShortcut(“test”,Intent(),0,0);
]]>using scripts how do I add an action to the list of actions?
How do I set the image background of a panel within my script?
Swipe and launch script
Swipe and launch script
I recently discovered how to trigger the material effect on lightning’s items, and made this little script.
The script is made to be set on the touch event of an item, and will allow to swipe across the items in the same container, selecting/deselecting them as you pass above them, launching when releasing.
Note: it only works if the selection effect is set to material, otherwise nothing will be shown (you can still launch them though). Also, non-clickable items are excluded.
In the video I show the script with a visible item at the bottom, for demonstration. Another option is to make it invisible, and big enough to cover all of the other ones, as if you can press wherever, but releasing will launch (you won’t be able to long tap or scroll this way, don’t make it full screen!).
]]>Good morning, everybody!
Has anybody written a script that mimics ios’ 3d touch app shortcuts, or the Pixel’s long press shortcuts? That is going to be the biggest thing I will miss from the pixel’s stock launcher.
]]>Quite some time ago, someone posted a script with which you can execute a root command.
The code also contains helpers for multithreading, which might deserve their own little spotlight as well.
Although i’ve learnt a lot about Javascript, I certainly don’t think i’m an expert yet, so if you have any suggestions for improvements or questions, please put them in the comments
Anyways here it is:
// initalize some global variables
var threads = []
, GUIHandler = new Handler();
* This callback will be called when the executing of the command(s) is finished
* @callback finishedCallback
* @param {string[]} An array of the lines the command(s) returned
* This callback will be called when a command is executed.
* @callback executedCallback
* Runs a command in the terminal
* @param cmds {string|string[]} – The command or array of commmands to be executed.
* @param [asRoot=false] {boolean} – If the command(s) should be executed as root or not.
* @param [newThread=true] {boolean} – If the executing of commands should happen in a new thread or not. (useful for root commands)
* @param [callback] {finishedCallback} – The callback that handles the output.
* @param [onExecuted] {executedCallback} – A callback that will be called when a command is executed. useful for multiple commands that take some time)
* @returns {string[]||string[][]} – (only if asRoot == false && newThread == false) Returns an array of the lines written in the terminal or an array of arrays if multiple commands were executed.
function runCmd(cmds, asRoot, newThread, callback, onExecuted){
var handler = getHandler()
, output, process, reader, writer;
// set optional arguments
if(asRoot == null)
asRoot = false;
if(newThread == null)
newThread = true;
* Helper function for executing the command(s). Gets its parameters from the parent function.
* @returns {string[]||string[][]} – (only if asRoot == false && newThread == false) Returns an array of the lines written in the terminal or an array of arrays if multiple commands were executed.
function execCmd(){
* Checks if the command is a string and if not alerts the user.
* @param cmd {string}
* @returns {boolean}
function checkCmd(cmd){
if(typeof(cmd) === “string”){
return true;
alert(cmd + ” is not a string!”);
return false;
* Actually executes command.
* @param cmd {string}
* @param writer {DataOutputStream} – The writer to write the command to.
* @returns {boolean} If the command was actually written or not.
function exec(cmd, writer){
writer.writeBytes(cmd + “\n”);
return true;
return false;
* Read the output from the reader.
* @param reader {BufferedReader}
* @returns {Array} An array of lines that were outputted by the
function readOutput(reader){
var tmp, output = [];
while((tmp = reader.readLine()) != null)
return output.length == 1 ? output[0] : output;
* Executes the callback and if the callback is not a function alerts the user.
* @param callback
* @param output {Array} – The argument that is passed to the callback
function handleCallback(callback, output){
if(typeof callback == “function”){{
}else if(callback){
alert(callback + ” is not a function!”);
process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(“su”);
reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(process.getInputStream()));
writer = new DataOutputStream(process.getOutputStream());
output = [];
if(exec(cmd, writer)){
exec(“exit”, writer);
output = readOutput(reader);
handleCallback(callback, output);
var succes = exec(cmds, writer);
exec(“exit”, writer);
output = readOutput(reader);
handleCallback(callback, output);
var outputs = [];
process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmd);
reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(process.getInputStream()));
output = readOutput(reader);
handleCallback(callback, output);
return outputs;
process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmds);
reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(process.getInputStream()));
output = readOutput(reader);
handleCallback(callback, output);
return output;
alert(“At line ” + err.lineNumber + “: ” + err);
if(asRoot && isArray(callback))
throw new Error(“Multiple callbacks are not possible in su mode. Use onExecuteds instead.”);
return execCmd();
* Checks if an object is an array.
* @param object
* @returns {boolean}
function isArray(object){
return == ‘[object Array]’;
* If this function is executed in a thread that is the main GUI thread, execute func, or else execute func in the main GUI thread. (Android doesn’t like it when you change the GUI outside of the main GUI thread)
* @param func {function}
function handleGUIEdit(func){
if(Looper.getMainLooper().getThread() == Thread.currentThread()){
* Starts a new background thread with func.
* @param func {function} – The function the thread executes.
function startNewBackgroundThread(func){
var thread = new Thread(function(){
// if a looper was initialized in func, make sure the thread can die by stopping the thread when the Looper idles.
if(threads[Thread.currentThread().getId()].prepared == true){
thread.setUncaughtExceptionHandler(function(th, ex){
threads[thread.getId()] = {};
* Gets a handler for the current thread and initializes a looper if necessary.
* @returns {Handler}
function getHandler(){
if(Looper.getMainLooper().getThread() == Thread.currentThread()){
return GUIHandler;
var threadId = Thread.currentThread().getId();
if(threads[threadId].prepared != true){
threads[threadId].prepared = true;
return new Handler();
]]>Question: is it possible to get the container in which the menu was opened?
The value of item is set to the item from which the menu was opened if it is an item menu, so this would make sense for containers too.
]]>For people interested in scripting, I have updated the sample script package with a new reference plugin…
The package features a sample counter plugin, with an object oriented approach. I believe it should greatly help in writing plugins and code re-use.
]]>Shortcut icon changer
This script will allow you to quickly and easily change the icon of a shortcut as suggested by me here
Its extremely simple and after picking a character there’s no more error handling so make sure you pick something for every option and don’t press cancel or the script will fail. This is Pierre’s script i just edited it to make it easier and quicker to use for those who dont want to mess about with the code every time they want to change an icon (like me) hope you find it useful 👍
How to use: Set the script to show in the item menu.