August, 2014
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How do I find the extras of “has extras”?
How do I find the extras of “has extras”?
Just used this:
]]>I need some help here…
I am trying to add two widgets into two cells of a panel with horizontal scrolling. To control scrolling I am adding some stop points but not working. I was never good with these stop points. If someone could do this and share the backup it would be really great. Thanks in advance.
]]>Kann man hier bitte in englisch schreiben.
Englisch ist auch nicht meine Muttersprache und eher beschränkt als perfekt, aber es ist deutlich besser als mein französisch, spanisch oder andere ….
Is it possible to write here in english?
English is not my native language and more limited than perfect, but through out better than my French, Spanish or others ….
Thank you.
]]>Ce serai bien de pouvoir modifier le comportement des touches (retour/menu + longpress) lorsqu’on est dans le tiroir…
En effet, lorsqu’on a défini autre chose que “Go Back” pour la touche RETOUR dans les paramètres du desktop, vu qu’on ne peut pas modifier ce paramètre pour le tiroir des applis, on ne peut alors pas en sortir…. (on peut quand même appuyez sur HOME le plus souvent..)
Aussi on a pas les swipe-event dans le tiroir des applis, ni la possibilité de désactiver les swipe gauche/droite.. Pourquoi ?
Pierre Hébert
]]>v10.4b6 beta
Last beta (if all goes well). It merely fixes a few bugs and add a LL.startActivity script method. One thing I couldn’t resolve is the zero size at load, sorry.
In details:
– add LL.startActivity
– fix a bug where opening a folder from a load event (or maybe pause/resume) produces a crash
– fix a bug where deleting all desktops and creating a new one could lead to a dead launcher
Oh, and don’t use btrfs as a production filesystem yet…
]]>Why do we don’t have access to swipe gesture (up down left right) on panel ?
Pierre Hébert
]]>What you see in the pic is not a widget. It is a fully scripted canvas.
What you see in the pic is not a widget. It is a fully scripted canvas.
In this ‘WIP’, it only updates when the refresh-button is pushed.
What would be the smartest way to make it update automatically? (Battery wise)