February, 2016

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Hi there,can we please get panels in the app drawer?

Hi there,can we please get panels in the app drawer?


Originally shared by gerd reuter (werksmannschaft)


for Kustom LWP with Lightning Launcher ,Tasker and Whicons. 

5 Pages horizontal +  vertical Favorites

Navigation by Scroll or Tap. Resolution is 1920×1080 (w/o Navkeys).

Should work with other Resolutions and Navkeys too, you may need to adjust the frombot global within kustom.

RSS-Feed scrolls up and down with arrows.

Agenda scrolls also up and down with arrows.

Weather scrolls forward and backwards with arrows.

2 different Backgrounds and opt. Cover as Background.

Quotes on Home based on Komponent by Carla Jacobs 



Available soon at Playstore:



English version at the end.

English version at the end.

Salut à tous,

J’ ai plusieurs questions en vrac.

1-Comment fait-on pour organiser les icônes se trouvant à l’ intérieur d’ un dossier, afin d’ éviter le chevauchement et définir le nombre de rangées et colonnes etc ?

2- Comment régler l’ ouverture d’ un dossier en définissant à partir de quelle valeur ” Y “il s’ ouvre et quelle est la valeur ” Y ” du haut de la fenêtre du dossier ?

3- Quand je click sur mes icônes/widgets, un carré blanc se dessine au tour de l’ icône, comment faire pour que le click ne fasse aucun effet visuel ?

4- Comment pourrais-je faire un cadre photo dynamique ? Je voudrais avoir un cadre photo avec un défilement de mes photos, en arrière plan de mon background de base, celui ci en .png afin de pouvoir laisser apparaitre le cadre photo en arrière plan.

5- Comment créer une action qui ouvre la page de notification, je ne trouve pas cette possibilité dans les actions LL ?

6- Comment créer une action qui ouvre la page de réglages rapides ( wifi, données mobiles, gps, bluetooth etc…), je ne trouve pas dans les actions LL ?

7- A quoi servent les bindings, je ne comprend pas vraiment ?

Ca fait beaucoup d’ un coup, mais ça m’ aiderais bien de comprendre tout ça 🙂

Merci à qui pourra m’ aider.


hi everyone,

i got some questions about LL.

1- How can i organize the icones inside a folder, so i can get no overlap, and configure how much colums and row i need ?

2- How can i configure a folder to open from a precise Y value, for exemple middle of the screen, and configure the height of it ?

3- When i click on an icone, i get a white flashing square around it, how can i make this invisible ?

4- How can i make a dynamic wallpaper, to have a random display of some pics inside a custom folder ?

5- How can i create an action that opens the notification page ?

6- how can i make an action that open the fast settings page, to turn ON/OFF wifi, bluetooth, gps,airplane mode….

7- What are the bindings for ? Im not sure about it.

This is a lot, but it would help me a lot to understand this 🙂

Thanks to anyone who could help me.

See you.

I have a text shortcut for SMS that opens my hangouts, I also have two different hangout accounts.

I have a text shortcut for SMS that opens my hangouts, I also have two different hangout accounts. I would like to be able to tap once for it to open the primary account and a double tap to open the secondary one how would I go about doing this? I want to be able to open them individually.


I tell ya, LL is well above my head.

I tell ya, LL is well above my head. The single greatest thing for me is the ability to have both vertical and horizontal pages.

Question : is there a way to have pages without app, icon, etc.?

Question : is there a way to have an app drawer style from another template?


Since the last update (first time it happened was immediately after last update) I get an occasional weirdness on my…

Since the last update (first time it happened was immediately after last update) I get an occasional weirdness on my motog3 (marshmallow) where it looks like ll loses track of how many columns are on the screen. Haven’t yet seen any pattern that triggers it, but restarting the app fixes it.

Picture on the left is normal edit mode, right is the bug.


I have integrated the functionality of my Gesturelauncher into the MultiTool.

I have integrated the functionality of my Gesturelauncher into the MultiTool. Instead of reinventing the wheel it uses Androids own gesture detection, so it should work way better than the old script.

As I’m not entirely shure how stable this release is, it is availbale as Beta test here https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.faendir.lightning_launcher.multitool

It would be nice if you could try it out and tell me if it works or not and if not what doesn’t work.




After the great help for my last question I’m working on my next objective – lockscreen!

is there any tutorial\guide\answer around for how to make a the swipey circle open specific apps when swiped to a direction?

I can’t seem to manage doing that…


Is it possible to make date-based text to displayed in uppercase through bindings or scripting?

Is it possible to make date-based text to displayed in uppercase through bindings or scripting?


A next alarm (dynamic text/widget), if possible, would be handy.

A next alarm (dynamic text/widget), if possible, would be handy. KWGT has this, but I can’t seem to recreate it purely on LL only.
