With all the discussion on LLx icons, and especially what is LLx, I was wondering about the name.

With all the discussion on LLx icons, and especially what is LLx, I was wondering about the name. And especially the “extreme” part.

Lightning Launcher “Extreme” made sense at the time where there was 2 version of this launcher. The free LL and the paid LLx.

But now that Pierre took the free version out and only LLx Remain. I feel like the extreme is not required anymore. Worst, in my opinion, whenever It might even give a wrong signal. Not to say that LL is not a fantastic or extreme tool. But extreme is a very strong word, that only takes its meaning by comparison (extreme means there is something between the extreme). Being a mild nature, I tend to doubt most “extreme” names seeing it as a marketing tool aimed at teen.

So I’d think going back to the more simple LL (which is in itself a great name) might be a good idea.

That’s just food for thought… I am not asking for a name change, just that I don’t see the justificaiton for extreme anymore.


9 Commentsto With all the discussion on LLx icons, and especially what is LLx, I was wondering about the name.

  1. Anonymous says:

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    This is true. I was worried by the fact that removing eXtreme could lead to a very big confusion, but as time goes, it may not be a critical problem anymore.

     I will seriously consider the change. 


  2. Anonymous says:

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    I agree. I think it’s time to remove the extreme “eXtreme”.


  3. Anonymous says:

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    Daaaayum everyone’s pulling this launcher to bits! 1st it was the icon then it was the theme and now its the name, I don’t see anything wrong with Extreme it fits the launcher because it offers an Extreme amount of options/customization, it makes people think well what’s so extreme about it :/ Then they try it and be like woah this is Extreme alright


  4. Anonymous says:

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    Just change it to X (This will have historical meaning:  In the beginning Pierre built LL and LL eXtreme )

    So we remember about Legendary LL, the ancestor of LLX

    😀 😀 😀


  5. Anonymous says:

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    Abednego JS  Not a bad idea. And it would make sense if as we saw with the last beta the interface and aspect evolve. Changing icons and name as an update to a new version. This would make a fine renewal. And avoid the idea of a “downgrade from extreme to nothing”


  6. Anonymous says:

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    + Josh Gray, not Launcher X, but Ligthning Launcher X. Shouldn’t be a risk for confusion as such the name are quite different.


  7. Anonymous says:

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    Emmanuel Lapierre Beta is already X.VII 😉


  8. Anonymous says:

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    Abednego JS Sounds like a good premise for a geek-tech role-playing game :The Legendary LL does battle with the evil goliath Nova…. I  should probably stop here before I start laying out scenarios and writing code… 😛


  9. Anonymous says:

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    I like LL X, indeed for some people they may think about it as new version of “launcher X” (is that launcher for PalmOS?? I googling it and found Launcher X for PalmOS), but it can’t be a serious problem.. That’s why LLX need some historical references / documentation about itself.

    Please don’t stop Carolyn Boyle!! I’ll play it 😀


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