Just playing about with klwp, on a theme i had set up with nova…i wanted to be able to vertically scroll my lyrics…

Just playing about with klwp, on a theme i had set up with nova…i wanted to be able to vertically scroll my lyrics komp, so set all that up and it works nicely..what ive just realised is that my phone is actually using both launchers, with no noticeable issues at the moment…nova app menu, nova jump to page and the rest is LL… what i want to know is, is there a way to do jump to page on LL..(3 page setup)

I’m in the middle of fine tuning my app menu on LL at the moment..

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5 Commentsto Just playing about with klwp, on a theme i had set up with nova…i wanted to be able to vertically scroll my lyrics…

  1. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    Probably through a script? I’m still trying to figure out how to a 3 page setup in LL.


  2. Anonymous says:

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    John Maciver

    I was heavy LL user(but Nova user now).

    If you use LL, I think you don’t have to use KLWP because LL has powerful tool: script.

    Simply jump to some pages,

    1. on homescreen, move to somewhere you like.

    2. Long tap blank space and tap the ‘bookmark’. Its function is equivalent of Nova shortcut ‘Jump to page’.

    With using KLWP, I don’t tried this but maybe works:

    Write some script and send to tasker, then KLWP receive it using function ‘br(tasker, FOOBAR)’.

    LL script –> Tasker –> KLWP function ‘br(tasker, FOOBAR)’.

    Sorry for bad English.


  3. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    Would love to see your work when all figured out John Maciver. I’ve played with LL a few times over the years but could never get it feeling right and it just felt too clumsy to navigate and customise. The vertical scroll feature is the only reason I ever wanted to use it though, so is still a Kustom feature I’ve never implemented but would love to see in action.


  4. Anonymous says:

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    Masaoka Taro

    You had some really nice setups for LL, out of curiosity, why did you stop using it? Lack of support? Something else?


  5. Anonymous says:

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    H Tuttle Ah, because the LL sometimes don’t work well on my phone..

    If the dev kept the app fresh, I was using it.


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