Hey Pierre
Hey Pierre,
I was wondering if you could make this fantastic app open-source or something, maybe someone would continue your work…It’s a shame that a great app like yours isnt updated 🙁 it’s the best launcher ever made 🙂
Hey Pierre,
I was wondering if you could make this fantastic app open-source or something, maybe someone would continue your work…It’s a shame that a great app like yours isnt updated 🙁 it’s the best launcher ever made 🙂
its been discussed he would prefer to make a new launcher based on Lightning. It will be updated soon it has to be.https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/_f5MVBn1il2GX7iCSZmwTGwL_a5VKnUA3V6MZKVjrtSIPMcUty9I2FPtgo86FwFUOInfJhS2sQ
and thishttps://lh3.googleusercontent.com/aNKOxDKwULsINOQ6U0XDv1znnukI7ggK-aomdmv5nZEdjMLRGcBtGhGDy_pYy5kMpT70NVMKoQ
ooo yeah 😀 that would be awesome.hope it will become a reality,thanks for the info,cheers
Open Source is never as easy as people expect (there are often proprietary source components that can’t easily be replaced).
But selling it to somebody who can continue working on it would be an option.
In terms of Communities, many of my active Communities are moving to MeWe Groups, which have similar (and in some aspects, improved) functionality, compared with G+ Pierre Hébert
i honestly don’t know how open-sourcing something works,i was just asking 🙂 i am checking daily to see if LL was updated or not, kind of sad about it:(
Julie Wills If there are proprietary components (which I doubt), you can open source it and let the users decide what to do about it, whether they buy their own license, or chop those features, or reproduce them. Never underestimate what can be rewritten with enough desire.
At the moment I don’t wish to fully open source the app, although I wish I could do so. There are two reasons. The first is that Lightning still generates some revenue, and even if its a low income, I need it. Open sourcing the app might mean the end of this income for me. Maybe yes, maybe no, I am not in a position where I can try this now. The second reason is that Android is not an ecosystem that favour open source. You may have noticed that few apps are open source. This is because it’s too easy to reuse the code of an app, inject some malware and/or ads, then publish it again. As soon as there is money to do, you can be sure that some will do. I know that this is not even needed to have the source code to do that, but with the full code, bad clones are spreading very rapidly and that’s frightening.
Lightning Launcher doesn’t include proprietary components, and I will probably open source some unitary components that are worth sharing (this is more or less a matter of time) but not the full app.