Why can’t I left swipe?
Why can’t I left swipe?
It must be me, but I can’t figure out what I’m doing wrong.
I have a desktop, and I’ve bound left swipe to launching the camera app. Works great.
Now, there’s another desktop. I just bound left swipe to launch the camera. Doesn’t work. Indeed, no matter what swipe direction I try to set, to launch any app at all – it doesn’t work.
I must have messed up some setting somewhere, but I haven’t a clue where it might be.
Can someone help me figure out how to fix this?
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Probably have scrolling enabled
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Jay M Well, shit. Clearly I need a nap. Yes, you’re right. Sorry folks.
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You can still have scrolling just vertically. Unless you have stuff mapped to swipe up/down
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Jay M Yeah, I was being an idiot. The problematic desktop was an old one that I’d recycled from a previous configuration. I just forgot to check the scroll settings.
I’ve got to learn to do a “reset desktop” before I start working on new ones. 🙂